First Name: Azrael
Middle Name(s) (Optional): -
Last Name (If Any):- Nickname (Optional):Aaron Gender: male
Age: super duper old,but appears to be 18
Birthday (Month and Day): Appearance: ( he keeps his right eye covered)
Height: 6'1
Weight: 136
Personality (Optional): Aaron is normally cailm and relaxed. However,he haves a dark side of him
Bio (Optional): TBR
Guild (Wendigo Wail or Fairy Tail): soon to join fairy tail
Location of Guild Mark (And Color): sliver on his chest
Guild Rank (S-Class, Member or Newbie): soon to be newbie
Likes: Izzy,being at peace,meeting others
Dislikes: being chased and haunted
Magic (Can be something you created. MAX 2): Pulton
Magic Preference (If You have two magics):
Pulton: its a dangerous and old magic,used in the old world. Basically, its a.mystic sliver energy
Spells (Optional. Please create for both if you have two magics!): TBE
Companion (Optional): Izzy, a talking psychic iguana
Outfit: in the picture
Theme Song (Optional):numb
Crush (Only if you have approved it with the characters owner!): open
Other:his memory of the past is gone
Middle Name(s) (Optional): -
Last Name (If Any):- Nickname (Optional):Aaron Gender: male
Age: super duper old,but appears to be 18
Birthday (Month and Day): Appearance: ( he keeps his right eye covered)
Height: 6'1
Weight: 136
Personality (Optional): Aaron is normally cailm and relaxed. However,he haves a dark side of him
Bio (Optional): TBR
Guild (Wendigo Wail or Fairy Tail): soon to join fairy tail
Location of Guild Mark (And Color): sliver on his chest
Guild Rank (S-Class, Member or Newbie): soon to be newbie
Likes: Izzy,being at peace,meeting others
Dislikes: being chased and haunted
Magic (Can be something you created. MAX 2): Pulton
Magic Preference (If You have two magics):
Pulton: its a dangerous and old magic,used in the old world. Basically, its a.mystic sliver energy
Spells (Optional. Please create for both if you have two magics!): TBE
Companion (Optional): Izzy, a talking psychic iguana
Outfit: in the picture
Theme Song (Optional):numb
Crush (Only if you have approved it with the characters owner!): open
Other:his memory of the past is gone