Thanks Ex. I should have done that earlier. my bad everyone.
I want a bowling class....
I want a bowling class....
Demon Shinobi said
*Creative writing major*.........................................................*Still good at math*:D
HylianRose said
-loud grumbling- Not fair...Everyone's good at something, Expllo. If you need some encouragement, I really like you're character's design. I think he's really cool. ^-^And I'm not kidding. I have an honesty policy. I won't tell you if you won't like it and if I compliment you, I mean it. I'm not just trying to be nice.
HylianRose said
-loud grumbling- Not fair...Everyone's good at something, Expllo. If you need some encouragement, I really like you're character's design. I think he's really cool. ^-^And I'm not kidding. I have an honesty policy. I won't tell you if you won't like it and if I compliment you, I mean it. I'm not just trying to be nice.
Demon Shinobi said
I'm debating making Wolverine Alex's "Father" Any ideas on the subject? I want him to have an X-Men Father figure and Wolverine was the one who brought him to the school. Anyway... I was pretty busy today. Didn't post on a lot of things I should have. Will definitely post tomorrow.