Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Raven heard the large footsteps and grabbed the other girl's hand. She pulled her into the portal and closed it off, they were floating in a purple and red world. "I can explain here, I do not want to have another confrontation with those giants." She crossed her arms and waited for the girls response. "We are basically nowhere right now so if we just stay here we shouldn't be pulled back."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Pyrrah become nervous. "Grimm.." She managed to get out. "They are beasts that prey on humanity and nearly wiped us out long ago in a war.."

Hiro blinked. "Giants? So you have fought before.." She took in the world and realized right away. "You use magic? Are you really human?" She asked not revealing her demonic hand yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Bob sat back. Everyone seemed to be busy, but nothing truly interesting was going on. Everyone was walking around, looking for something interesting, and yet there was nothing there, because there was nothing interesting. Furthermore, the witch and her boyfriend were duking it out in the centre of the forest, and if they weren't careful they could end up blowing up the entire area. That would be funny, of course, but only brielfly so. Bob had learned a long time ago that blowing something up is fun, until you run out of things to blow up. Then it becomes quickly boring.
Bob decides it's time for some inspiration. He opens his cell phone, and looks up a couple of good tv shows. His power to warp reality meant he could get an internet connection from any location he wished, which was quite a useful ability. Looking through the vast library of attrocious crap that currently dominated Hollywood's output, Bob stumbled upon a gem among the the digitized feces. Beautiful. His mind brimmed with ideas. This was a great way to amuse himself!
Bob gestured, and pain shot through him. Not pain from the mind, or pain from the body, but pain from the soul. True pain. A small part of himself, a fragment of his massive soul, slowly detached itself from the Chaos Shard that was his origin point. In his hands, a small ruby appeared, in the shape of a skull. Those who would have gazed upon it would find it filled with all the colors they could imagine, and some of their greatest fears reflected within the red crystal surface. Bob flung the gem up, and it glowed as it flew ever higher into the atmosphere, coloring the air with a shining red trail. "Ladies and gentlemen, prepare for a surprise!" As Bob finished his announcement, the gem crashed to the ground at some point near the middle of the forest, forming a crater, as well as sending a wave of red energy through the entirety of the forest, as well as under the ground.
The ground rumbles and trembles, as thousands of hands dig through it. Old bones, forgotten by time, rise to unholy life. Decaying corpses from wars that none would know of, claw their way onto the surface. Flesh grows onto their mangy forms, and features are restored, up to an extent. The perfect amount, as thousands of rotting, decaying corpses claw up, each with the red gleam of the Death Gem in their eyes. A dragon, who had lain here for over a thousand years, rises from it's slumber as a dracolich, dressed in frozen flames. The sky itself turns dark, the sun red, as Bob's zombie apocalypse begins.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Cyborg, Robin, Beast Boy, and Starfire were in Jump city searching for Raven. It was they're third time through but she still hadn't turned up.
Starfire was flying through town when she thought she saw Raven, she quickly flew down to her but she had disappeared. "Raven?" She asked looking around and walking through the alley. She pulled up her communicator and said. "I saw Raven, she was trying to run forward but she was pulled back."
Robin listened to Starfire over his communicator and nodded, that was the first sighting of Raven so far and they needed to check it out. "OK, I'm heading your way. Cyborg, Beast Boy meet us there." He turned and sped there on his motorcycle.
Cyborg nodded and did a quick u-turn in his car, he headed for Starfire's dot on his GPS and pulled out his communicator. "Heading your way."
Beast Boy was in human form and pulled out his communicator. "I'm going there now." He was depressed and had been searching for Raven the most out of the Titans. He shifted into a cheetah and started to run.
Raven shook her head and sighed at the girl's question. "Almost human, I'm a half demon. What about you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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Weiss Schnee said
Pyrrah become nervous. "Grimm.." She managed to get out. "They are beasts that prey on humanity and nearly wiped us out long ago in a war.."Hiro blinked. "Giants? So you have fought before.." She took in the world and realized right away. "You use magic? Are you really human?" She asked not revealing her demonic hand yet.

Minx laughed, and gets right in Pyrrah's face.
"Sounds like an alright lot to me....people have only hurt me....." She says, hissing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Hiro thought about if she should reveal her secreat. " I am also a half demon. My father was the Demon King Janus. He was slayed by a hero. But because of what I am I suffered.." She slowely revealed her clawed arm. "This replaced my arm which was cut off as I was defending some human friends of mine. I am the Princess of Neverland..leader of the demon army.." She said proudly.

Ruby woke up under a tree and looked around. Yang, Blake, and Weiss were closeby seemingly out. "How did we get here?" She mused.

Ruby then noticed the ground shake. She then went for her Cresent Rose assuming this was a sign of something to happen.

Pyrrah moved a bit backwards. "Sorry to hear that..what are you?" She asked Minx.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Weiss Schnee said
Hiro thought about if she should reveal her secreat. " I am also a half demon. My father was the Demon King Janus. He was slayed by a hero. But because of what I am I suffered.." She slowely revealed her clawed arm. "This replaced my arm which was cut off as I was defending some human friends of mine. I am the Princess of Neverland..leader of the demon army.." She said proudly.

Raven shrugged and nodded, she didn't want to make it sound rude but she said. "I am the daughter of Trigon, you may know him as the devil. He wants me to hep him take over earth." She shook her head and scowled but quickly went back to her calm stage. She opened the other side of the portal and it showed Jump City once more, Raven's eyes widened when she saw the entire team in the alleyway, she got up and waved her hands around. "Guys, come in."
The group saw the portal and they shook their heads, Starfire waked up to it and s did Robin. Beast Boy and Cyborg looked at each other and then the portal before practically collapsing. Starfire watched Raven and saw the other girl. "Raven, where have you been?" Robin looked at the portal and nodded.
Raven walked up to them but stayed at the edge of the portal. "I'm stuck here, you have to come in."
Beast Boy and Cyborg ran inside the portal and hugged Raven, Starfire and Robin shrugged but stepped inside willingly. Starfire gave Raven a hug too and Raven sighed when they let her go. "Guys, its nice to see you." They all nodded and looked at the other girl. "Who is that?" Robin asked, Raven just shook her head and sighed. "I will explain later."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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"So the daughter of a devil who wants to have you help him take over. My situation was quite different. Some saw my father as evil but he was trying to keep the balance of our world. Without chaos there can be no balance." Hiro continued. Upon seeing Ravens friends she grew cautious going for her Heaven's Cutter. She also slipped close to Raven as if wanting to hide behind her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Weiss Schnee said
Hiro thought about if she should reveal her secreat. " I am also a half demon. My father was the Demon King Janus. He was slayed by a hero. But because of what I am I suffered.." She slowely revealed her clawed arm. "This replaced my arm which was cut off as I was defending some human friends of mine. I am the Princess of Neverland..leader of the demon army.." She said proudly.Ruby woke up under a tree and looked around. Yang, Blake, and Weiss were closeby seemingly out. "How did we get here?" She mused.Ruby then noticed the ground shake. She then went for her Cresent Rose assuming this was a sign of something to happen.Pyrrah moved a bit backwards. "Sorry to hear that..what are you?" She asked Minx.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you..." She says.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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"It probably would depend.." Pyrrah said looking at her. "I do not judge others I assure you that.." She assured Minx.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Anime_Freak Ghost of an Old Friend

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Gummi Bunnies said
"Well...let's just say she'll do anything to win..." Battler says to Eren."So, same rules as last time. We have to crack open our own closed room scenarios," Erika proposed the rules for their duel."Yeah yeah yeah, let's just get this over with," Battler sighed. Erika only giggled a bit, her scythe made out of Blue Truth energy formed in her hands."Then I'll get to see what closed room you have first!!!! /The death within the closed room was drowning, suffocation, natural causes, or accidental death!\" Erika started off with the Blue Truth, sprinting towards him as her weapon was powered by those words."Starting off with that...you're persistent as always. *The death within the closed room was not drowning, suffocation, natural causes, or accidental death. The death was homicide, and let's say a knife is lodged into the back!*" Battler countered with the Red Truth, a broadsword made out of golden energy appeared in his hands as he forced Erika back.(* - Red Truth. /\ Blue Truth)The moment Dlanor was sent through that portal, Dlanor wasn't that amused and warped herself to where Bob was and with her blade of Red Truth to attack him. By the looks of it, she appeared pretty ticked off even if she looked emotionless at the same time.

Armin and the others just watched, but Levi was distracted..... slightly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Weiss Schnee said
"So the daughter of a devil who wants to have you help him take over. My situation was quite different. Some saw my father as evil but he was trying to keep the balance of our world. Without chaos there can be no balance." Hiro continued. Upon seeing Ravens friends she grew cautious going for her Heaven's Cutter. She also slipped close to Raven as if wanting to hide behind her.

Raven looked behind her and smiled slightly at Hiro, she looked back over at the other titans and shoved Hiro in front of her. "This is Hiro." Robin waved at Hiro and started to check out his electronics. Starfire smiled and hugged Hiro. "Hello! I am Starfire!" She let go but kept a bright smile on her face. Beast Boy waved and laughed. "Hi I'm Beast Boy." Cyborg was making some adjustments on his sonic cannons and looked up. "Names Cyborg."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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BGM - lixAxil (Erika's Battle Theme)

"If you're so confident Erika, let's see what your closed room is. Blue Truth! /The death within the closed room was drowning, suffocation, natural causes, or accidental death!\" Battler decided to use the same method of Blue Truth as Erika did, just to see what she had in store. He rushed in towards her, his golden broadsword giving off a radiance of Blue Truth.

"Easy. *The death within the closed was not drowning, suffocation, natural causes, or accidental death! The cause of death was a knife to the back, a homicide, but the weapon used is not found within the room.* So simple but yet genius of a closed room," Erika said as she refuted back with the Red Truth, forcing Battler away from her. Seeing that Dlanor was back on her side, she gave her Furniture a signal to pitch into this fight.

"Allow me to speak. Let it be said that *the Knox's Decalogue will take affect for this DUEL. Any violation to the Decalogue will result with a PENALIZATION,*" Dlanor says, summoning her own blade of Red Truth. She was on standby until someone, either Battler or Erika, violate the Knox's Decalogue.
"Sota!" Kaika immediately woke up in a fright, having a nightmare that she had to kill her boyfriend. Damn dreams...pretty soon I'm going to lose the will to sleep if this keeps up... Kaika thought, seeing she was in a different place. A forest, just some plain forest. Well, it would had been worse...and then it's like all hell broke loose as some zombie invasion occurs (referring to Bob's actions). "It's like a bag full of sunshine, yay," Kaika said with a sarcastic tone, checking if she still had her gear in her backpack.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Hiro blushed as Starfire embraced her. "Nice to meet you as well Starfire." She put her Cutter away slightly glacing at Raven questionably. She smiled shyly at Beast Boy then nodded to Cyborg. "Pleasure.." She was relieved to see they accepted her rather then attacked her. She did not understand it tho...maybe humans from other places were not so bad.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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"OK, now that the introductions are done. When we leave we may get into a fight with robots." Raven said with another sigh, Beast Boy looked up at her and his eyes went wide. "Robots? We just got here!" He exclaimed, Cyborg shrugged and made a few more adjustments on his sonic cannons. Robin looked up for a second but quickly looked back down. "OK, thanks for telling me." Starfire shrugged and her eyes turned green as she prepared for battle. Raven looked at Hiro and shrugged. "Give me an OK."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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At Bob's command, the corpses swarmed as one, armed with a variety of weapons from a variety of eras. Undead soldiers found the combaticon camp, as they opened fire with heavy weaponry. While the machinegun bullets didn't do much versus the heavy armor and energy shield possessed by the transformers, several were wielding anti-tank rifles and rocket launchers, as well as the occasional grenade launcher. Hundreds of soldiers poured towards the camp from all directions, shouting out with their rotting vochal chords, creating a chorus of moans, groans and almost animalistic hisses.

As Erika and Battler battle, a variety of undead rush in, slashing at anything that might get close. Bob, in his distaste for the witch, had sent her a rather mangy and weak group of zombies, dooming them to boredom. However, the numbers were calculated to be a quite potent danger to the three humans still in the area. It would be quite amusing if one of them should die, and his comrades would be forced to kill their fallen friend. A little drama, added to the bloodshed.

A new girl was in the area. As Bob did not know much about Ruby, he simply sent a horde of typical unarmed zombies, rushing in a mindless throng all around her. Above, the dracolich circled, uttering bone-chilling shrieks. Depending on her performance, he would send the undead dragon down to her as well. If she died, then that would be amusing as well, although Bob had already decided he would prefer her survival.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Vortex and Blast Off stood where they last saw the organic vanish. "So ... Now what do we do?" Blast Of said, looking at Vortex.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Raven shrugged and sighed, she opened the portal and had a shield on all of them as they walked out. Cyborg walked out with his sonic cannons at the ready, Beast Boy was tyrannosaurus rex and he roared loudly as he stepped out of the portal. Robin had two sticky bombs out and ready in each hand, and Starfire had her glowing green eyes. They all got into a ready stance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Blast Off and Vortex readied their weapons and aimed them at the portal. "welcome back, we combaticons don't like unanswered questions" Vortex said in a confident tone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Robin scowled and nodded but stayed ready. "What do you want to know?" He asked, Beast boy looked at them carefully and waited for an OK to strike. Cyborg had an arm up and was doing a scan on their armor and weapons. "We can answer your questions." He said in the same confident tone, Starfire's eyes were still glowing and she didn't lower her hands. "Yes, what do you want?" She said in a sweet tone, Cyborg kept his arm raised but the scanner went down. "You guys are nicely made." He muttered, Raven kept the shield up knowing it could take a few hits from them.
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