Yo. Sorry guys but it is Easter so I won't be able to manage a post soon.
Catharyn said
Day two of not being accepted.
solamelike said
ah well hopefully we have someone who has played the last of us on here..
TheyMostlyComeAtNight said
The Last of us is AMAZING
ONL said
I only got your fallout reference, can't say that I've played any other post-apocalyptic game really :/Nice chart, even found my 30-40 Krag there! And it looks like with some smithing-skill, it can be made if you use other casings. My Krah shall live!
solamelike said
Yeah im sure Taffy or maybe someone else in town could help you make it, for a price. I might get Flint to learn some bullet moulding :p. Seems like he knows a bit of first aid too XD
TheyMostlyComeAtNight said
The town should probably have a blacksmith of some kind?