ONL said
All rise for the our Great Leader, President TheyMostlyComeAtNight of the People's Republic of Mayonnaisia!
Catharyn said
Eek, please don't hurt me :'(
Catharyn said
Eek, please don't hurt me :'(
Catharyn said
I send greetings from the Independent Democratic Republic of Bed. We come in peace.
TheyMostlyComeAtNight said
You charge us with your safekeeping, yet despite our best efforts, your countries wage wars, you toxify your Earth and pursue ever more imaginative means of self-destruction. You cannot be trusted with your own survival and so Great Leader Will Smith must protect you.
ONL said
TOP SECRETTo all members of the Party:My dear Comrades, our once great President has in the last few moments shown signs of weakness and possible insanity, going as far as to openly accuse me, Minister ONL of the People's Information Committee "PIC" of treason. This cannot be tolerated.Our grand Republic is based on the sacred consumption and production of mayonnaise, and for TheyMostlyComeAtNight to introduce this new act to ban mayonnaise, is what makes him a traitor, not me!I must remind you all that it was me who, during "The Great Mayonnaise War of 1948", who swore and oath to never surrender, to unite our people and fight the foreign invaders by all means, while President TheyMostlyComeAtNight had to be talked out of signing the peace-agreement. Again it was me who talked him to back to sense, and assuring us victory!Therefore I must ask everyone off you to make a choice; either stand by our President's side and become the madman he has become, or join me to make this great nation what it deserves to be! I promise you that mayonnaises is and always will be our greatest gift, and I intend to protect it! Already our Comrades in the Independent Democratic Republuc of Bed has given me their support, and stand ready to fight for justice! I will protect the People's Republic of Mayonnaisia from this traitor, and serve the people! Victory shall be ours!Signed yours dearly, ONL, Minister of the People's Information Committee.
Catharyn said
Unf <3Will Smith can toxify my earth any time
TheyMostlyComeAtNight said
Hello listeners.It has emerged that ONL, once beloved of the people was in fact behind the 1947 terrorist attacks that started the Great War of 1948, brave State Sec personnel were sent to place him under arrest so he could face fair trial before the people's tribunal but this vial terrorist opened fire with small arms killing brave patriots as he made his escape.If you see him do not approach, he is armed and extremely dangerous, he killed a team of highly experienced field agents in. If you see him report him to your nearest State Sec outpost at once.In other news State Sec has launched an investigation into the PiC after it was revealed that many ONL loyalists have been placed in key strategic positions, State Sec is at this time considering full takeover of the organisation.And now the weather...
TheyMostlyComeAtNight said
Well I personally think the chick is much hotter than Will Smith but I guess that is just personal preference. :)
Catharyn said
Dearest Comrade Companions of the IDRB,We regret to inform you of our decision to use a number of our 'Slow Bombs', located in orbit above our planet in our defense. This has been provoked by their needlessly aggressive stance towards our comfiness.Thank you for your understanding at this difficult time.