That's a good point. They could be former slaves, though I figure the former ones would be pretty old, other than the ones who were children. This would likely be about twenty years after the slaves turned the tables and overpowered the werewolves. I like that idea, after all power corrupts, all of the rulers then were around around slave times or their parents were, could be tyrants for that matter. So they will be tyrants than, that will be fun to play :)
Yeah sounds like a plan to me, I didn't have something I wanted to base it off of. Well I figure the town and cities would depend on the kingdom in a way. So do you think it would be better for the kingdom to be big, rich, and powerful? Or would it be better for it to be new and kind of poor, where taking of the werewolves kingdom was their first real feat and they are starting to rise in power?