When Kartal offered a chance to train and YingJue requested a practice Gunpla Hedy agreed, "I do have an extra two Gunplas with me. Although they are only specialized ones that might take some getting used to." She recalled the way the Mythos worked in the match against the Canadian Champion and thought the racer and flyer might not be suited for what YingJue wanted to use.
Brian made his way to the observation lodge when he greeted the Brigade, "An easy match thus far. It would seem there is nothing now for us to do but wait for the next opportunity."
One of them agreed, "For real. You totally nailed them out there David!"
Brian raised his hand as if giving an order, "I want information gathered on my next opponents. Find the greatest threats I shall have and I will prepare for the best they have to offer." At that order he saw the Brazilian Champion meeting his gaze when Brian asked, "Ah. Hey there kid. I forgot to tell you a good match didn't I?"
"I'm not a kid. And I hope you don't plan on relying on cheap tactics like what you gave out there."
Thanks to the mask Brian was able to hide any signs of concern for his cover being blown. He managed to ask back in accusation, "Cheap tactics? You assume that I had something to do with your own losses?"
"It might as well be a warning. You should know that the Danish and German Champions aren't going to let themselves be overwhelmed so easily."
The matches that had been progressing gave him a reminder of what he would be up against. Those two faces were new but they were going to be a problem if he couldn't deceive them face to face. Brian brushed aside the Champion when he told him, "Hmph. Duly noted. Now out of my way I must prepare for the next match."
Hedy saw the Carozzo cosplayer make his way through the watching area when she observed, "Well I'm getting something from that guy now. He's definately an Aries."
Brian made his way to the observation lodge when he greeted the Brigade, "An easy match thus far. It would seem there is nothing now for us to do but wait for the next opportunity."
One of them agreed, "For real. You totally nailed them out there David!"
Brian raised his hand as if giving an order, "I want information gathered on my next opponents. Find the greatest threats I shall have and I will prepare for the best they have to offer." At that order he saw the Brazilian Champion meeting his gaze when Brian asked, "Ah. Hey there kid. I forgot to tell you a good match didn't I?"
"I'm not a kid. And I hope you don't plan on relying on cheap tactics like what you gave out there."
Thanks to the mask Brian was able to hide any signs of concern for his cover being blown. He managed to ask back in accusation, "Cheap tactics? You assume that I had something to do with your own losses?"
"It might as well be a warning. You should know that the Danish and German Champions aren't going to let themselves be overwhelmed so easily."
The matches that had been progressing gave him a reminder of what he would be up against. Those two faces were new but they were going to be a problem if he couldn't deceive them face to face. Brian brushed aside the Champion when he told him, "Hmph. Duly noted. Now out of my way I must prepare for the next match."
Hedy saw the Carozzo cosplayer make his way through the watching area when she observed, "Well I'm getting something from that guy now. He's definately an Aries."