Death Weapon Miester Amademy. More commonly known as the DWMA. It stands as a defense against the forces of evil, which would plunge the world into chaos and drag humanity into the very depths of fear and madness: the demons known as Kishin, and their eternal hunger for destruction. To ensure that the Kishin never regain their hold on this world, this Academy was founded by the Grim Reaper, Death himself. So basically we're an organization that serves to protect and preserve peace! I guess it's not exactly a typical school. Oh well, that isn't important! For now, let's roll up our sleeves and get to work!

This will take after the events of the Anime, and our own characters will be attending the Academy without worry of having to face any major enemies lie Kishin asura. Crona, becoming a more stable person every day, becomes a respected Miester with his ability and handling black blood. Recently thought, Crona has been going through lapses of insanity, and mas been forced to be brought down with force. Every time these lapses happen, Crona becomes more and more destructive and chaotic, even going as far as to wounding his own friends.