Wayne said
What genres do you like to roleplay the most?
I haven't had much time to roleplay for a long while, but when I get the opportunity, I absolutely love to roleplay epic sci-fi, open-world sorta stuff. It gives you such freedom to be creative.
Joegreenbeen said
What movie are your signature and avatar from?
Silver Linings Playbook. Absolutely fantastic film, if you haven't seen it, watch it. Touching, funny, and more realistic in its depiction of mental illness than many films (though, of course, unrealistic in others). Then go watch everything else with Jennifer Lawrence in it, ever.
Seravee said
How much do you love me?
With all my heart, dear. :D. Actually, being more serious, you're one of those people I've wanted to get around to knowing better. I believe it was you with whom I had a long conversation about the merits of getting a hedgehog, once, no? So adorable.
Taaj said
Current favoritesongmoviefoodsmelllocationbookas of right nowgo
Song: Impossible to pick - just depends on my mood. I'm one of those people whose taste is diverse enough to draw raised eyebrows; funny, actually, I was recently playing some metal (Five Finger Death Punch, I think) over the speakers in the common room, switched it over to James Arthur, and had three different people comment on how weird it was for me to love both. Hm.
Movie - Right now, probably The Perks of Being a Wallflower. It's got a whole plethora of flaws, but I kinda like the flaws it has, and the parts it does well always make me laugh and bring a lump to my throat - just as any teen coming-of-age film should. I see vague flickers of myself in the characters, too, which is more than I can say for most films of its genre.
Food - tacos. Like, holy fucking shit, I love them so much.
Smell - also tacos. Nah, jk bbz - this one is hard to answer. Honestly? I like the smell of people. Everyone sorta smells different, has a different scent and flavour about them, and I find that fascinating. For something more not-weird/specific, I love fruity smells.
Location - I actually really love it here in Edinburgh. Beautiful city, a cultural hotspot... only thing not to like is the weather, and it's currently sunny so I'm not gonna think about that. I also can't fucking wait to (hopefully) move to London for university next year. You already know why I love London, though!
Book - IMPOSSIBRU. Even trying would break me, steam pouring out of my ears and the blue screen of death flickering over my retinas. I can tell you that I'm still a huge fan of Brandon Sanderson and Neil Gaiman. I've also delved into more classical literature this year and absolutely loved 1984, because of course I did.
Awson said
Why did you make this thread and then vanish?
A late-night impulse inspired me to make it; a late-night impulse also told me to bloody sleep before my maths exam. It gives me something to do while I wake up in the morning.
Shy said
Why didn't you join my Rabbit Doubt?Y u h8 meh bb?
Because I didn't see it and because I'm in the middle of exams and don't have time. But I would never hate you, bbz.