A Rocket saw them and called on a Machop.
Machop, the Superpower Pokemon. It hefts a Graveler repeatedly to strengthen its entire body. It uses every type of martial arts. Its whole body is composed of muscles. Even though it's the size of a human child, it can hurl 100 grown-ups.
Liam called Sherlock the Kadabra.
"Sherlock, Confusion!" Liam called. The Machop was smacked with psychic energy.
"Machop, Seismic Toss!" the Rocket called. Machop grabbed Kadabra and swung him around and threw him into a wall.
"Sherlock, Psychic!" The Machop was slammed into the ground and KO'd. The Rocket switched it for Drowzee.
"Drowzee, the Hypnosis Pokemon. Puts enemies to sleep, then eats their dreams. If you think that you had a good dream but you can't remember it, a Drowzee has probably eaten it. Occasionally it gets sick from eating only bad dreams." Sherlock was swapped for Growlithe.
"Growlithe, Flamethower!" Liam called. Drowzee was hit and burned. The Rocket called for a Hypnosis. Liam recalled Growlithe and sent out Hydro, who finished the battle, evolving in the process.
Blastoise, the Shelfish Pokemon, and Squrtle's fully evolved form. It crushes its foe under its heavy body to cause fainting. In a pinch, it will withdraw inside its shell. The pressurized water jets on this brutal Pokémon's shell are used for high-speed tackles.