Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

It would have been a normal day in Asgard,if not for Thor noticing that something was off. He had been sure for the last few days that Loki was planning some form of revenege, He could see it in Loki's eyes. He wasn't as clever as his brother, but he had been able to get used to when Loki was planning anthing. After all the big smirk on Loki's face had been enough.
Though he knew Loki sometimes even smirked when he wasn't planning anything. As much as Thor cared about his brother, he couldn't trust him anymore, he had made that mistake too many times, Plus he couldn't let Loki harm anybody.

"Brother what have you done now!" Thor said angrily. He was looking at his brother. He was ready to fight his brother if he had to. He couldn't leave Asgard to see the Avengers when he couldn't be sure of what Loki would do next.
The god of mischief smirked again "Nothing, now why would you say that Thor." He was amused. Loki just walked off. Thors friends were under his control. He hadn't bothered to find Fandral. The man had been away on a mission. Plus he wanted to see what Fandral would do seeing his friends under his influence.
The god of thunder narrowed his eyes. He wasn't aware Loki had been manipulating his friends. At least not that was noticable to him yet.

He went to go and get some food, only to be attacked by his friends. He blinked in confusion. He then looked at thier eyes. Their eyes looking the same as when Hawkeye had been manipulated. So that was Loki's plan.
He managed to get away. He wondered where Fandral was. Thor escaped been attacked and walked to the trainning grounds guessing that Fandral would probably be doing some trainning. He looked up to see Loki was watching with a smirk. He turned around and glared at the dark haired god. Thor was sure Loki knew his friends were important to him. He needed a plan and he was sure Fandral was the only one who could help.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Erklings25
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Erklings25 Abracadabra

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Volstagg! Why do you fight me! What has happened!" Fandral drew his sword. Volstagg's face was sweating with anger. "What madness is this?" He paused "Loki god of mischief." He slashed at volstagg with passion. Every slash a burden. Why did he have to fight with volstagg. "Retreat Volstagg!" He stabbed and slashed. He jabbed and parried. his heart lay heavy. He hated this but it was his duty to defend Asgard. He pinned the unruly being down. "Volstagg wake up! You must listen to me. You are my friend. We do not fight now I depart." With that he ran to the only one who could help him. Thor. God of thunder.

He saw Thor looking at Loki smirking. "Thor?" He whispered. Was the god of mischief tricking him. No this was him "Thor!" He shouted "Thor! It's me Fandral!" He waved his sword. He ran up to him. "Thor I have news. Volstagg. He fought me! What mischief is this?" He looked at Loki as he said that last part.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Thor was looking at Fandral. "Ah good, Your still normal." He was relieved that Fandral hadn't been manipluated by Loki. He was looking at Fandral closely to make sure it wasn't an illusion. He was bleeding where Hogun had stabbed him "Hogun attacked me when I was going to get something to eat." He seemed to be keeping alert encase he was to be attacked again.
He could see Fandral was at first unsure if it was him, He knew with Loki's tricks that was fair enough.He was holding his hammer.

"So Volstagg too," Thor was frowning a bit "This is Lokis' doing." He was so sure of that. The way Loki was looking at him made that obvious, He watched as Loki walked off. "LOKI!!!" he growled "Release them!!" He spat.
He wasn't sure if that would do anything. He could see Loki was pretending he couldn't hear them. He looked at Fandral, He knew they both needed to work together to find a way to free their friends.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Erklings25
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Erklings25 Abracadabra

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Fandral looked at Thor. As if he could read his mind he nodded. "I can't clear Volstaggs min.. Did you say Hogun?" His face changed from sturdy sure and confident to worried frightened and in total denile. "This can't be! Not Hogun. Definitely not Hogun." He looked up at the Loki "God of mischief. Why Volstagg and Hogun? What evil have you planned. Answer me NOW!" He stared into Loki's eyes with hatred. "WHAT MADNESS IS THIS?" He stroked his beard in befuddlement. He should be guarding Asgard. Not fighting his friends

He turned to Thor "if this is Loki's doing we must stop this. I pinned volstagg down but he will have escaped by now. We must stop this! We must stop this now before the people of Asgard get harmed!" He held out his sword and pointed it at Loki "we can defeat him!" When he said him he pointed at Loki for emphasis. He knew this must be done. He knew Thor knew it to. Thor knew Thor would do anything for his people and he would as well. Loki had an unclear aim but his threat was in the air.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

"Yeah I dont think this is going to be easy, Last time with Hawkeye a whack to the head solved it, but not sure if Loki's made it harder this time." He could see Fandral's denile about Hogun. "It is true." He frowned he didn't like it either.
He could see Loki was merely amused by all of this "I don't know where Lady Sif is, but I am sure Loki would have got her too. He may have got you had you not been away, or he didn't try to soon as you were back to see how you would deal with this." Really the god of thunder had no idea what was going on in Loki's crazy mind. He had hoped that Loki would have stopped all this, But he supposed his brother would never change. But he still held out hope.

The god of mischief smirked "Oh ? because I can, and Its quite amusing to see you too confused and upset at why your good friends would turn on you, " Loki laughed darkly. It was all a fun game to him. He looked ready to walk off.
He smirked "Good luck with that." He was sure they wouldn't stop him so easily.
Thor was looking at Fandral. He knew it needed to be done. But he didn't think it was going to be easy. "I fear its not going to be that simple." He was sure they needed a better plan. Loki smirked , he knew what they didn't.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Erklings25
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Erklings25 Abracadabra

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Fandral put his head in his hands. "The lady Sif?" He cried "LOKI you vile beast!" He knew Loki wouldn't realse them. Not without a fight anyway. He could imagine the pain Volstagg would be going through being enchanted. He hoped his concise was still in there deep down. But he could imagine it fighting for control. Loki was odiviously behind this. But Sif. Lady Sif! That was the final straw!

He drew his sword and marched up to just underneath the Balcony. "Come Loki fight! You coward!" Loki raised his hand and green magic spurted out. It shook Fandral around giving him scars and wounds. It then threw Fandral back to Thor's feet. But he could still control Fandral "uhhhhh"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Thor growled , He didn't want anymore of his friends hurt. Though most of his good friends were all under Loki's influence. The only one free was Fandral.
"Loki !" He was hoping that they would be able to stop Loki sooner rather than later. He knew if they left it to later. Loki would have done way more damage. He wasn't sure what Loki was doing to his friends minds.

Loki laughed darkly and attacked Thor next. Thor grabbed his hammer and swung it ready to throw at Loki. He goes to throw it at Loki only for it to fall to the ground. As Loki was quick and used one of his illusions to trick Thor into thinking that it was him.
"Let the go Loki."
He was getting angrier by the second.
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