Once again, I think his character is cool and see no problem with his powers.
Yog Sothoth said
I just gave a solution and you ignored it. If you're complaining about speedsters then you don't know much about the Flash, he runs at light speed and is a prominent member of the Justice League. his sonic boom would be no different than someone with wind powers and the ability to create hurricane force winds. I see problems with the Hulk in a team setting than this since he can crush almost anything in sight if he loses control and he is a part of the Avengers
Rin said
The Flash has the Speed Force, though, which actively works to prevent all of the negative side-effects of superspeed.
Raineh Daze said
Or add a hand-wave based on the fact there's current research into eliminating sonic booms (or reducing them), and thus he can just not make one, rather than getting another method of attack.**Admittedly, one half of this seems to be 'stick a big spike on it', which is amusing as a way of reducing things.
Yog Sothoth said
What's wrong with him using sonic booms in a controlled way? tons of heroes do it, I read tons of comic books so I know what I am talking about. His character is no where near as powerful as the Flash or Superman.
Raineh Daze said
Because some pretence of realism is desirable, eliminating them is more plausible than directing them whilst moving at supersonic speeds. Also, the Flash and Superman aren't in this thread. They are bad examples.
Yog Sothoth said
the moment you bring in magic then realism is debatable, and controlling sound waves is a common super power so once again this is superheroes, almost anything is possible.
Okay, I'm gonna need the thread to shut up for a second while I say my piece about my character. Alright? Because now you're arguing amongst yourselves about me and it's the morning. I'm coming down from my literal 2 quarts of caffeine and I'm in a bad mood. Warning, graphic language is inclement.