I know. Which is why I said you ATTEMPTED it. But enough about that.
Any power, no matter what it does, will always have some sort of destructive potential. Alpha's omnipotent creation powers are no different. As that creation power is what makes alpha omnipotent, that most likely means there is no limit to what alpha can create. Going by that logic, it can create anything. Including nonexistance.
Alpha's concept is creation, leaving it little to no offensive power. It can still create stuff with no real limits. Meaning as it can create the existance of something, it can also create the nonexistance of the same exact thing. This is essentially how dimensions can be so diverse, as there are dimensions that house the existance of a given object/being while the other dimensions house the nonexistance. Otherwise, you'd have a progressively infinite number of copies of the exact same dimension. Which, as there would be nothing distinguishing what exists in one dimension as opposed to another (since in each dimension, everything would exist and nothing would not exist), would be more like a singularity. This doesn't conflict with alpha's concept because in order to render something nonexistent, it has to create the nonexistance.
Going back to to the whole "creation without limits" thing, it can be assumed that alpha can also create outcomes for given actions. (Gonna stray off topic and say I looked up omnipotence, and found a similar ability called omnificence, which is essentially the correct term for alpha's omnipotent creation ability. Though I'm guessing you already knew that) as there's nothing that says it can't. So yes, my statement about alpha creating failsafes, based on this logic, is correct. As the alpha can create the outcome of genocide failing.
That being said, I'm sure I messed up at some point while typing this up, so I could be wrong.
No, Alpha cannot create nonexistance. Nonexistence is the standard state of all things. Anything that is not created is not nonexisted, it's nonexistence doesn't need to be created. Furthermore, to create nonexistence is a contradiction, as you would be creating the lack of creation. By the very act of creation, you remove nonexistence. Nonexistence is nothing more than the lack of existence, and as such the lack of creation, like the shadow cast by the light of reality.
Furthermore, Alpha cannot create outcomes to certain situations. Alpha is an infinite force of creation, but it cannot manipulate the free will of those who already exist. Nor is it capable of seeing the future, and as such it does not know what will happen in the future. It is not limited by time, and can move through time freely, but only as a semisentient force of creation. If it were to move into the future, then it would exist at that point in time, without any 'knowledge' of the past, simply continuing in it's task of creation.
If you want a Primal capable of manipulating time, it would be Kronus. However, even Kronus cannot choose what will happen in the future, because to do so would be to control the free will of all living things. Kronus is simply capable of observing, limiting and moving time, causing it to move more quickly or more slowly, and he maintains the fabric of time.