Byrd Man said
Surrender and save us both the trouble, dirty reb!
Depends... You gonna let us keep our way of life???
EDIT: Oh cool! I got the 3000th post!
Byrd Man said
Surrender and save us both the trouble, dirty reb!
Outcast said
@Aegon; I like your plucky optimism.Anyway, the two sides have already chosen their names. One side is the Eighth Coalition, the other is the Allied Powers.
Kho said
We insist on our opponents keeping the name we came up with: the CoS (Confederation of Stupid) It would just feel weird calling them anything else.
Pepperm1nts said
If you want to end it quick, AegonIV, you could send what remains of your forces on a suicide mission. Suicide in the sense that there is no way you'll win and your forces will be crushed and the rebellion ended. But make it seem like CSA leaders think they can actually win it, and are giving it their absolute best. That way you get defeated in an honorable way and get to switch nations.
Kho said
We insist on our opponents keeping the name we came up with: the CoS (Confederation of Stupid) It would just feel weird calling them anything else.
AegonVI said
At this point, my entire war effort is essentially an extended version of that. It's very unlikely I will win... Nye impossible. And I doubt the Dice Gods will love me THAT much... At least not as the CSA...EDIT: What's this whole Kebab thing?
So Boerd said
Sorry, what was that? Couldn't hear you over
thorgili said
oh silly kebab I am still surprised you havnt said anything about my exetrmely anti muslim (and anti non slavic in general) rhtoric.
thorgili said
specifficly a derogitory term for the turks.
So Boerd said
Of course, spoken in jest.
NarcolepticSailor said
My god our alliance name is so much cooler.
NarcolepticSailor said
My god our alliance name is so much cooler.
AegonVI said
Anyone up for the IRC?
The Nexerus said
"The Allies", or any such variant, has got to be the lamest, most unoriginal name for an alliance ever.I'm there.