Wulfenheart pokes website with stick. Be it dead? No? Whoo hoo!
Hello there menlies and gentlewomen, I'm a long term roleplayer who have been going on and off the RP scene since I was a little kid playing with one-liners as magical wolves in enhanced forests where people were evil hunters and everything else was happiness and sunshine. Today, a ten-something-years-later, I have progressed away from that phase and moved on to more mature plays. I consider myself relatively good at this point, though I tend to stay clear of the truly advanced games. I enjoy political satire (and just satire in general) and can be found dabbling in fantasy, historical plays, parodies and the occasional fandom(most notably pokemon with whom I have this never ending love/hate relationship from which I will never be free :P )
Nice meetin' ya. Hopefully I'll be staying around.
Hello there menlies and gentlewomen, I'm a long term roleplayer who have been going on and off the RP scene since I was a little kid playing with one-liners as magical wolves in enhanced forests where people were evil hunters and everything else was happiness and sunshine. Today, a ten-something-years-later, I have progressed away from that phase and moved on to more mature plays. I consider myself relatively good at this point, though I tend to stay clear of the truly advanced games. I enjoy political satire (and just satire in general) and can be found dabbling in fantasy, historical plays, parodies and the occasional fandom(most notably pokemon with whom I have this never ending love/hate relationship from which I will never be free :P )
Nice meetin' ya. Hopefully I'll be staying around.