Oh, yay!
Maybe it's more saying peoples names over and over again
I lost my post for this when I switched back over to the windows half of my harddrive. Damn it...*preps the summoning poke**gives hug*
I will start working on a post.Keep in mind Edo sayuri will be coming along soon <.< >.>
edo lazarus and pen less so true they're lying.... but they want a fair and equal edolasCept they want to screw the other world to achieve it probably.
Edolas is kinda screwed if you think about it. They've got three camps of baddies. Royalty: Corrupt and effectively running the major population into the ground. White Hydra: Straight up malicious and violent. Pen/Lazarus Alliance: Also corrupt, like a mini version of the royalty but not yet exposed.Quite true. And Edo Phoenix Wing is highly outnumbered without many guild members. So unless people get converted, this won't be easy xD
I will start working on a post.Keep in mind Edo sayuri will be coming along soon <.< >.>
This makes me glad I haven't made a second character.I will start working on a post.Keep in mind Edo sayuri will be coming along soon <.< >.>SashaEdo-SashaMaster JamieEdo-Master JamiePennyEdo-pennyI think you have time.
I'm so bloody lucky that Jarvis isn't needed yet XDYeah, cause that would be like 8 people you'd need to post as xD
ima make a prediction that pen is going to turn on edolazarusThis will probably be a thing if they have different goals xD
Pen? What, never! Okay. Maybe. Probably. Most likely. I'd be watching my back.Pen! Why you so mean?! *shakes Chibi version of Pen furiously*