Raddum said
Thinks it's garbage, like I do. Makes teams predictable, possibly causes problems power-wise depending on the player, and is overall really a pointless feature that some of us in here really don't care for.Also; I made the mistake as well, but Worm is a girl.
IMO Mega Evos are made to make crap tier pokemon very good and viable at the loss of their items. Gardevoir was NU tier til mega, then it got bumped up to OU due to hyper voice pixilate hitting for 135 base before its STAB that goes through subsitute. And who used Mawile in any team before the mega evo? no one. Same for Kangaskhan, Pinsor, ext.... It might seem stupid, but it really breaths life into a stale comp scene.
Plus having a boss pokemon is a pretty fun concept.
And I edited my post. He is a very universal pronoun to talk about someone who's gender you don't know.