I can see where your all coming from... maybe I might do some editing, probably give him a better-fitting power... maybe I'll use that one that you were talking about, Jack Jack, but could you give me more detail on how that would work?
EDIT: Looked up Jack Jack on da wiki and found this as his power list:
Molecular manipulation: More than simply shape shifting, Jack-Jack can control his molecular make up entirely allowing him to turn into non organic elements, Such as making himself into a living heavy metal or bursting into flames, or allowing his molecules to pass through solid objects as if they were not there. It is unknown if he can effect more than just himself with this ability.
Levitation: Jack-Jack can lift himself into the air with him mind. It is unknown at this time if this power is self propeled flight or if he is telekinetic.
Laser Vision: He can fire needle thin purple lasers from his eyes. These don't seem that powerful as they can be reflected easily by a hand mirror.
Idk, though, it feels kinda OP that he can immediately go from flying through the air on fire with laser beams into a solid statue, or something along the lines of that