Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FortunesFaded
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FortunesFaded Yam

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Factored in pyment for my ~5,000 troops (damn, remember the good ol' days when Pelly had but a thousand?). The CS should be all set now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flooby Badoop
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Flooby Badoop

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

So I see.

Yeah, not going to lie mate, I expected MouseKing to bulldoze your ass last time. You're a much more formidable force now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FortunesFaded
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FortunesFaded Yam

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Yeah, you're probably right haha. The only advantage I had was that he was inactive ;)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by King Solterra
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New and Improved Auto-Taxes!

Oh, you wanted some extra armor? Don't go bankrupt! Instantly know whether you can afford them!
Needing more men for the war!? Instantly know if your food storage can handle it!

Get them while they are hot!

Disclaimer: Product shown is the dirty display model, request one today and it will be clean and accurate!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ashgan
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hey, I have a few questions. First, what's the scale of the map provided? And what exactly is a good measure for the size of a kingdom, and is there variance - i.e. ups and downs for claiming more or less land at the start?

On religion, is it mandatory that the kingdom be in allegiance with the church? I'm entertaining the idea of developing a separate mythology and religion that my somewhat distant realm would cultivate, which would evidently put it at odds with the established church and its adherents, but it's a risk I am willing to take. If I may create my own faith, we could even see some interesting dynamic perhaps with missionairies being sent from or to my yet unnamed kingdom.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I can answer a few of those questions:

Scale: It's.... big. Bigger than France and the lowlands combined. I think it was something like more than 200,000+ acres?

Size: It's up to you. The stats are given in the rules, so it's up to you. Do you want a small, very developed nation? Or a large, agricultural nation? They both have ups and downs depending on how you set up your nation as the stats explain.

The church is... not really a unified church. Our church is a splinter group kind of like how the Anglican Church left the Catholic Church. So, it's not an Almighty - global entity. That being said. They are one of the more powerful factions in Lundland. They will be stronger than any one player at the beginning of the RP since they have autonomy over their own lands, and they own a lot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ashgan
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Thanks for the answers so far! About kingdom sizes, what you say makes sense, but it's all very vague in the rules as far as I understand it. The size a fiefdom covers isn't really detailed, and neither is how the number and size thereof corresponds to your size on the actual map. Like I could circle a huge swathe of land, but only divide it into like 3 or so fiefdoms, or in turn, I could claim that tiny island in the north and have about 20 fiefdoms or so on it - and the fiefdoms should, in theory, operate with the same efficiency regardless of their span on the map. Sure, I'll try to employ common sense, as should anyone, but it's got me wondering a little on how to handle it, particularly since the scale of the map is also pretty vague (having a scale indicator in a corner would be helpful in that regard).

That's an interesting detail about the church being a splinter group. With then owning so much land and power, I imagine they are still kind of like a substitute for the vatican in this RP, and it's not far fetched to think that they would treat faiths that are entirely apart from their divine canon as pagan heathens.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ahh, each fief is a certain size as well... except I forgot exactly big. I think it was around 200 acres each. However, don't quote me on it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ashgan
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Cool, that helps a lot for starters. Regardless of how correct that number is, it's a good mean value to work with, and if I overlayed a map of france over the map we have, it would be a lot easier to figure out realistic kingdom sizes. Thanks ^o^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ulsterwarrior


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hey, I wondering something. My nation, The Ironstone Isle, is very small on that islandI'm only having three fiefs, and they soil is very infertile. Due to this, they are a nmore militaristic people, like the Vikings. I'm still adding up the points, but if I have a good amount left over(20+), would it be acceptable if I added it to my military? Or no, just add up my wealth as best I can?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I mean... even if you add to your military how do you expect to pay for all that?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ashgan
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Oooookay, hang on guys. So I spent the last few hours doing some intense math wizardry, trying to understand the system, and I have come to the conclusion that it's... extremely difficult to have a positive crops production to consumption end result. Especially when you have a town where people live but do not produce, it becomes very problematic without commanding vast farmlands (which would ideally be maintained by robots). Now I want to believe that I am making some kind of mistake and that Flooby can enlighten me, but until then, here's my calculations and why they are problematic.

While at the math... before I though about food, I quickly considered the whole scale thing I talked about earlier. I came to some similarly disturbing results, but as Heyitsjiwon said, he wasn't sure on the 200 acre measure. I'll quickly elaborate my points; trust me, it's less expansive than the whole exposition on food just now.

So a province is 200 acres, right? I looked up an acre and it's uh, roughly 0.004 square km, or 0.0015 square miles for you Americans. That's not terribly much, all things considered. So I overlayed a map of france over Lundland and essentially translated the scale of that map 1:1 onto Lundland's map. I adjusted the size of the scale a little, making it slightly smaller. In order to better demonstrate my point, here's the map:

The map should pretty much demonstrate why 200 acres feels a little small. An acre is essentially a square of 70x70 meters, less even than that, and a kilometers is 1000 meter, long. 200 of them would then be, if we try to keep the perfect square shape makes for a side length of about 14 acres worth, ergo 980 meters, which feels totally wrong, and I am awful at calculating surfaces apparently. Still, try to imagine a square kilometer on the map, using the scale I added... you'd hardly see it, and you could fit quit multiple fiefdoms into that, apparently. This feels really wrong on my part, but I can't really justify the numbers otherwise, without significantly reducing the scale of Lundland (which is said to be even larger than France). In light of this, either 200 acres cannot be right, or (and this is much more likely), I have no idea how to do math with surfaces and acres.

Thanks again!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ulsterwarrior


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Yeah, that's the problem also, with the arming the military. It says 5/1. Does it mean 5 Bullis for every man, or 5 men for every 1 Bullis?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ashgan
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

5/1 means 5 bullies to buy the equipment in the first place, and the 1 is the upkeep cost you must pay... each season I suppose. Or annually. Either way it's a recurring cost. The costs listed are per weapon, or per man.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flooby Badoop
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Flooby Badoop

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I can answer all your questions, Ash.

Lundland is approximately 200,000 sq. miles, not acres. In the last game, fief size on the map was entirely arbitrary, due to the map needing to be made very quickly after our map guy flaked out. This time, I plan on having each's player's fief roughly correspond with something logical.

Using medieval technology and agricultural methods, a square mile of land could expect to support 180 people, if the land was fertile. Lundland isn't very fertile, and more comparable with England, so a single square mile will likely support 100 people. Infertile land will likely only support 50 people per sq. mile, and scrubland 30 at the most. This in mind, each Fair fief will likely be 250 sq. miles, an Infertile fief 140, and scrubland 100. It's no perfect measurement, but it'll do for our purposes. If the map doesn't fill out completely, fief sizes will be changed to fit the mould.

As for crop production, you're right, and that's the point. People aren't supposed to have numerous large towns. The largest town a single Fair fief could support on its own would be 1000. But we're assuming here that you have multiple fiefs with which to help feed your non-town population and soldiers, which is why it is sometimes necessary to forgo more elite fiefs in favour of more numerous, lesser quality fiefs.

If you wanted to sustain a town of 6000, then you'd need a total population of 40,000 people living in Fair fiefs.

Also as an aside, 1 sq. mile is about 640 acres, if'n I'm not mistaken.

EDIT: Ashgan's right, it takes 5 bullis to buy the thingy, and 1 bulli in upkeep to maintain it for every season the levy is raised.

And yes ulster, just add up your wealth as best you can. Unless you elect to play a mercenary group, there's no way you can use points to directly contribute to your military.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ashgan
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All right, thanks Flooby. So those scale measures make a lot more sense; if you consider that 1 sq. mile is 640 acres, and the original estimation for a fiefdom was 200 acres, that's quite the difference to your statement of them being actually 250 sq. miles. These numbers work much better.

I'm not a historical expert, so maybe I'm just overestimating township sizes in the middle ages, but I'll bear that in mind, and be more wary of population numbers. I looked at some of the other sheets, and noticed a town of about 10.000 inhabitants, so that's where my original estimations for the size of a capital came from.

By the way, is it possible to buy crops from other actors? Also, is food production solely based on agriculture, or is "crops" merely a generalizing term for any kind of sustenance, which could include, say, fishing? With as many coasts as Lundland has, I would expect fishery to help out some lands with an otherwise poor soil.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ulsterwarrior


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

So it costs 5 Bullis for every one man, right?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by King Solterra
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

ulsterwarrior said
So it costs 5 Bullis for every one man, right?

Every season you pay 1 Bullis to a Soldier for payment for being a soldier.
The "5/1" being talked about is equipment, which is something totally different.

Plate armor costs 20/3. To "Unlock" or "Purchase" ONE set of Plate Armor, you MUST pay 20 Bullis. After that, you only need to pay Upkeep cost to keep it functional and strong. You pay 3 Bullis per season for Upkeep. There are 4 seasons in a year, so you need to be able to pay 3x4 per year. In the end, a single Plate armor costs 12 Bullis per year for Upkeep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by King Solterra
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However, I don't pay my Soldiers. Flooby has allowed me to pay my Soldiers in food and food for their families, and free homage. So, fuck yeah.
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