Taxes This does not include the Initial cost of everything, I'll be doing that all on separate sheets. This sheet, however, I will keep with me every year, updating it when needed. You can see after recruiting my huge armies, next year I will gain what's in my storage and Treasury (About Cell 28D). 85k of Bullis, gone. And that was just Upkeep. ALmost twice that for Initial costs. Crops is high, a bit under 100k, but that was because of feeding my soldiers, and I am still getting more. I guess it's whether you want more or less Towns. But more towns, you get less Crops, and pay more Crops. You can literally get a Crop farm and let it sit there. 18k people turn into 64800 Crops. A Town with 5k people (Which you also just took 5k of population from making crops) makes 20000 Bullis, and that 20k hasn't even subtracted for Upkeep or Soldier Expenses.
I will buy everyone with food and use that to become King. Bruhahahahaha