... I'm pretty sure me and Grey never even discussed that.... So I don't really know.
Zero Hex said
Name: Jack Miller
Spice said
Lucas Shaffer
Parser said
Name: spambot_WIP.bat
arowne97 said
James Hunter
Derpestein said
Was I ever accepted?
HollywoodMole said
Is your character there? If not, just quote me with them.
Derpestein said
Name: Daniel Watson
Rancealot said
Name: Alice Schaefer
Professor_Wyvern said
Name: Johnny Ace
arowne97 said
added a personality. :P
Derpestein said
Sigh, with that personality I'm gonna have to heal you alot...
Parser said
So am I in or not?
Parser said
So am I in or not?
Rancealot said
To take an anime as an example, in log horizon one of the main characters alt accounts gains sentience, so it isn't too far fetched.
Rancealot said
To take an anime as an example, in log horizon one of the main character's alt accounts gains sentience, so it isn't too far fetched.
Derpestein said
Plus all the NPC's.
HollywoodMole said
It isn't that it's a bot, it's a SPAMbot. That just doesn't seem right. (Also, this isn't in Log Horizons universe :p, Even if it was fucking awesome.)
HollywoodMole said
It isn't that it's a bot, it's a SPAMbot. That just doesn't seem right. (Also, this isn't in Log Horizons universe :p, Even if it was fucking awesome.)
Rancealot said
That had to do more with them being sent to another world, some npcs remarked at one point that the adventurers used to never talk and just did what they were asked before the whole thing happened.But how else can people find out where to buy cheap gold for only 14.97 USD? But in seriousness, bots are a thing in mmos, spam bots are even more common than farming ones.