Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SolemnStories


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The World of Roulit is an aged planet, though the humans that inhabit it are a relatively young race. It sits on the opposite side of the Milky Way Galaxy from it's sister Earth--the inhabitants will never know each other. Here in the World of Roulit, the atmosphere and gravity are weaker than others, and the planet itself seems to be in ruins. No one really knows how long ago it was, when the planet began to degrade and fall away. The remaining pieces of land float like islands, though there is no water around them. As if held together by an invisible strand, the islands hover above nothing. Now though, the world has become stable, and things no longer shift and fall away as they used to. There are no oceans. Most of the islands are covered in unexplored forest, and have only been inhabited by dangerous wild animals for centuries. Some of the islands are home to mountains, some snow, some sands and most have rivers which carry through the land and plummet off of the edges, into the vast nothingness.

Now is a time, when the humans upon this planet live on three of the largest islands. Each of these three islands are home to a magnificent castle and are ruled over as each it's own kingdom. The castles were built each one to keep and protect a different, magnificent and magical stone. The stones are the last of the magic which resides in the known world, and they are very powerful. One long road connects the three kingdoms, floating between the islands, held in place by a spell of unity. For centuries the kingdoms have lived in peace, but war has just broken out between them. A long time ago, all of the people of the different lands were similar; they were friends and family, they traveled between kingdoms often. But slowly each kingdom became vastly different from the others. It became taboo to leave your home island, and in some families, you would be shunned for doing such. Now the differences between kingdoms has caused them to hate each other. The road which connects them has been destroid. Even if they ever did desire to leave their home island, the people of this world have not yet invented any devices or machines built for flying or traveling between the islands. Only those expert and patient enough to train one of the different flying creatures can travel between islands. Sometimes a few of those with their own beast may be willing to give others a way to travel...for the right price. Each of the Royal Rulers are at war with the others, all of them seeking to capture the precious stones guarded by the other castles, and gain the powers they posses. These gems have corrupted their royal guardians for generations.

It has become far too dangerous for the average person to explore the lost islands. Legend says, that long ago an ancient race of people once lived upon the now abandoned islands, the place known as No Man's Land. They were said to be practicers of magic, and they were those who originally discovered the four magical stones. No one knows why the stones were split, or where the fourth stone resides. The ancient ones are spoken of as a myth. Long ago did the magic die off, along with those ancient ones. There are many different legends about the ancient ones. Some stories tell of the great treasures they found upon the most dangerous islands, and that it was their greed which lead to their demise. Other stories say that the ancient ones lived upon the world when it was a whole land, and the four great stones were what kept the lands together, yet when they were separated, so did the land. Some stories even say that descendants of those ancient ones still live in the deepest forests on those uninhabited islands, and they still practice the old ways of magic. But these, are all only legends.

The road once connecting the cities, now lays broken.

The three kingdoms are very different from each other:

Those of the Rose Island Kingdom are very proper, and usually described by the other kingdoms as being 'stuck up.' They are refined people, who believe in perfection. They are the wealthiest kingdom, so the wealthy people of Rose are able to spend their days practicing the arts and reveling in parties. However, not all in the Rose Kingdom are so lucky. People of pure Rose bloodlines tend to have fair skin and light hair color.

The Rose Castle is an elegant and refined structure. This is a clean and advanced city. Beauty, art and education are of high importance. The buildings are huge and lavish. Most things are painted white and things are made of silver and gold. The Rose Castle is guardian of the Diamond of Abundance: this gem stone provides knowledge and wealth to it's possessor.

The King and Queen of Rose Edvin and Margaret Frederik:

Those from the Eve Island Kingdom are bonded with nature, though the other kingdoms know them only as savage and barbaric. They can be more crude, and simple, however they live with much less impact upon their home island. They are the poorest kingdom, though they never strive to attain material riches like the other kingdoms. People of pure Eve bloodlines tend to have darker skin and hair color.

The Castle of Eve is the most natural of the castles. Here people are exotic and hunt their food. The buildings are made of mud and stone, or wood and are usually built close to the ground. The Castle of Eve is the guardian of the Emerald of Felicity: this gem stone provides protection and healing to it's possessor.

The Sister Queens of Eve Lana and Alba Tolkani:

Those born of the Kantle Island Kingdom are a cruel and domineering race, the other kingdoms know certainly of how they have become an evil and horrid people. Most of the Kantles are focused on learning the art of warfare. The royals are the only wealthy part of Kantle, and those who do not join in the army, are left to waste away on the dark streets, barely able to eek out a meager living. The people of pure Kantle bloodlines tend to have pale skin and dark hair.

The Castle Kantle is dark and looms over the entire city in a terrifying way. This is a cold desolate place with cold and desolate people. All the buildings are black and tall, though most of the citizens live much more poorly than the Royals. The Castle Kantle is guardian to the Ruby of Passion: this gem stone provides strength and power to it's possessor.

The Lone King of Kantle Bolivar Kahler:

The Sapphire of Mystery is lost somewhere deep in the islands of No Man's Land. This gem stone is rumored to provide immortality to whoever possess it, as long as it remains within their possession. There are many abandoned islands of different size and terrain.

There are many in the kingdom who look to different beings as Gods and Goddesses. Most of these beings are believed to have once been Great Ancient Ones from the Days of Magic. Some say they went on to become very powerful Gods and Goddesses, and other simply worship them as their ancestors and powerful humans. These are the days of great beings being spoken of as legends. Yet many pray to them for blessings or favors, and believe that if you do not at least honor the Gods, they will bring woe upon you.

Ragnorik the Mighty, Ragnorik the Sun, God of War and Honor. He is the most powerful of Gods, acting as Lawgiver and Judge.

Dwayna the Merciful, Dwayna the Moon, is the Goddess of Healing and Life, protector of Souls. In fear for her children, when the lands broke apart, she caused the islands to stabilize and float in the heavens.

Lysis and Isis the Twin Sisters, Lysis and Isis the Air and Water Sisters. These sisters are the Goddesses of Deception, Beauty, and Cunning.

Elgar'nan the Vengeful, Elgar'nan the Flame, the God of Fury, Vengeance and War. It is said that he was defeated by Ragnorik in ancient times when Elgar'nan prowled the world as a great dragon-beast, and that Ragnorik's greater flames gave warmth to the world. Elgar'nan seeks and lusts to defeat Ragnorik one day.

Elgar'nan as his ancient form:

Grenth the Putrid, God of Disease, Plague and Death. He is a Half-Beast God of Misery who brings it upon humankind. It is said that he was once a Human, but the tales of how he became a God differ. Some say he killed the original Death God. Others say he cracked the world in a powerful ritual of death. Others say he tricked Dwayna, promising to look after the souls of Humans. Whatever the story, Grenth is Death.

Demi-Gods are powerful beings, said to dwell within no man's lands. They are the tales mothers tell children at night.

Alk'endune is a Beast God. Master of Stalking, Killing, and the Hunt. He is a Savage God who thrills in the kill, bringing down animal and human prey alike. It is said that only Ghilan'dain has ever escaped him.

Ghilan'dain the Forest God. It is said he is a great white Stag, who protects the Forest and Animals.

Sylaise the Devourer. She is said to be a great flying beast who prowls the great nothingness below the islands.

So because of all these many Gods and Goddesses the old wise women will often recite: "To these Gods and Goddesses many prayers are uttered, for favor and blessing, for protection. These you must honor, but do not for a moment forget the others. For if a minor deity or an unknown god, their wrath you incur, woes will be yours. So too these you must also incur favor."


1. Don't be a control freak. Please no controlling other player's characters, unless you have their permission to do so. But co-writes are acceptable and encouraged.

2. Let's not all be loners. This should be obvious enough, but do make an effort to notice and interact with other characters when possible.

3. Stay or Go. We'd love it if you stay, but if for some reason you know you are about to be inactive or unable to play your character, it would be much appreciated if you would write your character out of the story. This isn't to say I don't understand delays. If there is no activity on your character, you'll be dragged along or ignored as long as possible. But if too much time passes and after unsuccessful attempts to contact you have been made, your character may be written out or killed off. But we'd much prefer if it doesn't come to that.

4. Be reasonable. In dealing with other characters, please be reasonable about the position you put them in. If your character is going to try to force someone into something, when writing, try to leave them a way out if it. And if they manage their way out of the situation, it would be better not to unreasonably continue to harass them.

5. Have fun! If you're not having fun, you're doing something wrong.


As a note, I will be posting a narrative at times, as well as my character. The narrative will be for the purpose of addressing large movement in the overall plot, which I will also keep updated in the OOC.

Also, we will be beginning very shortly after the war between nations has begun. I will address this in the introductory post. I would like it if everyone could work into their first post, a little something about how the very beginning of the war impacted and affected their character, whether it was in a direct or indirect way. Otherwise enjoy your writing and posting however you like. I only ask that much because I would really like to kick this off with the full impact of the horror of war.

You may choose to play any sort of character, except for one of the Royal Rulers or an Ancient from No Man's Land. Play as a Citizen, a Knight, a Treasure Hunter, a Gem Thief, a Royal Person, a Commander, a Religious Leader, an Adventurer seeking No Man's Land in search of magic, treasure or the lost stone; or come up with something else interesting!! Just so long as it fits the parameters, we welcome all kinds of characters! The story is up to you!

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 17 days ago

This seems pretty well-thought out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SolemnStories


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

If you're interested go ahead and post up a character sheet. We just started playing, but still plenty of room for more people to jump in :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SolemnStories


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Bumping This.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SolemnStories


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Bumping this. Still open to new players.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kimchi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I think you should try posting this in Advanced.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Briza
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

I am interested.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Matryoshka


Member Offline since relaunch

You've certainly put a lot of thought into this... I'm interested!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SolemnStories


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Here's the official link for you guys:

the World of Roulit

Kimchi said
I think you should try posting this in Advanced.

The RP itself I ended up deciding to put into casual, but I may put an interest check in the Advanced section. Desired post length and quality probably leans more towards advanced, but all else is casual.

Briza said
I am interested.

Hop on over and leave me a CS :)

Matryoshka said
You've certainly put a lot of thought into this... I'm interested!

I see you already found it ;)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SolemnStories


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I suppose I'll bump this again, we're still recruiting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SolemnStories


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Still taking new recruits :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SolemnStories


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Bump :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SolemnStories


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I'm still recruiting for this RP!

the World of Roulit
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