Ah, I am an insert of my character, in the flesh. Accent, looks, little references, whatnot. Perhaps with a different name though, obviously fitting this situation. << The lineage is as she says. Born and raised in Dubai. Parents are from India. Country doesn't offer you citizenship, like most in the middle east, so by nationality, I believe I'm Indian. Just perhaps not as calm as she is, haha. And not grey eyed.
Though she's based very closely off me, sans a few tiny differences here and there that are quiiiite minimal, because I know if I try making up some blue-eyed blonde flirtatious little minx I'll screw it up in less than a day, trust me.
So she's me....being me!
>> Paris, Texas! I like the sound of Paris, France a little more though... Ah, c'est la vie! La vie francaise, hohoho! Baguette and omlettes and whatnot!
EDIT: Smart idea? Stupid idea? I have no idea. >> I'd like to believe I'm an interesting enough person to just be myself for an RP like this, sniff...
EDIT2: Besides, I can actually relate to things better this way. "Yeah, my pops takes me to Atlantis all the time. Yeah? With the gold ATM? I used it last week to get a pendant."
...you probably have no idea what I'm talking about, sob.