Nope, there was sex involved - loud, rowdy, gross sex.
JK - you were dropped off by the mailman. Simple, plain and simple.
JK - you were dropped off by the mailman. Simple, plain and simple.
Katelyn said
Nope, there was sex involved - loud, rowdy, gross sex. JK - you were dropped off by the mailman. Simple, plain and simple.
Kangaroo said
Well at least you mentioned gross and parental sex in the same context. I was starting to get worried.
Katelyn said
Laughs... so cute, love. So cute. *pinches your bum*
Katelyn said
Gotta keep them guessing, love. Hot tub, ice cream and bed-kinda night!
Katelyn said
You headed that way soon? It's like 7 or 8 am for you, right?
Katelyn said
What time does class start??
Katelyn said
I won't ask what the stars are.. :)
Katelyn said
I can do that. I like compliments. Morning! :)