Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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The vial positioned above it fell on Angelo's head, blinding him just long enough for Jason to drop the red vial on Angelo as well, this one containing acid. "Yes," he whispers before moving swiftly to the other end of the gym, dropping to the ground and rushing his mentor, landing a solid kick to the other young man's gut before lunging back out of reach and vanishing into the framework of the "bleachers" in the area. "How was that, Angelo?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Angelo groaned once the vial hit him and he couldn't see and as you would expect he covered his eyes trying to get his sight back and groaned again once he felt the acid hit him, a two vial hit combo. Angelo was considering it was the end but not before his student kicked him in the gut forcing Angelo to hit his knee, all that damage Angelo took really got him to his 25% mark on his health. If Angelo was in a battle he would go into his fury mode and be the reaper itself and relentlessly attack his opponent but since it was Jason he was fighting Angelo simply grinned and once he got his sight back he said "that's much better, that's how you ambush an opponent. I was half expecting you to make me fall into a pool of acid but this was clever" Angelo said as he held his scythe tightly before looking around looking down to see his compass point in the general direction of Jason Angelo threw his scythe at the bleacher but he must have missed because jasons health bar didn't go down as he walked over to pick it back up...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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As Angelo retrieved his scythe, Jason's voice sounded from somewhere to his left. "There's a pit of acid in here? Maybe one of these days we should just SCOUT these places instead of fighting each other in them." Angelo is sent stumbling forwards from a swinging kick from behind him before Jason disappears again. "Of course, I guess it wouldn't help much since the map you fight in is always different."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Angelo groaned a little seeing his health bar go dangerously low but his special bar was almost full he just needed to get some more damage before he would unleash it and really hurt Jason. Angelo stood up then went to the middle of the gym waiting for his protégé next surprise attack "and like I said this lab area is a rare one to find so even if we tried to duel eachother again at school their is almost no chance of coming here again without a lot of luck" Angelo said as he waited for the next attack, one thing Angelo knew was that his protégé was a blue which meant close range combat so if Angelo was out in the open then Jason would have to stop hiding from the bleachers to attack him or if he did surprise Angelo again all he needed to do was move slightly so Jason would hit one of his armor spikes to get some damage done back to him
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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Dropping from the rafters(?) on the ceiling again, Jason drops towards Angelo, who could hear the characteristic whistle of the wind around the edge of his long sword blade as he dropped. "That's true, but we could scout the more common areas out, use that knowledge to our advantage when we finally start fighting publicly." Angelo had moved out of the way, avoiding the downwards slash, which left it to leave a nice gash in the ground. Pulling the sword blade free, he back flipped away. "Speaking of which, why haven't we challenged the other two here in the school? They don't seem much stronger than us."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Letting herself move with the momentum of the tackle, Lily sweeper her feet out knock pandora back down when she got back up, springing to her feet herself, and throwing out a kick towards Pandora, ready to follow through if need be.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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have I taught you nothing!?" Angelo growled as he round house kicks Jason away then asks "what is one of the biggest taboos a burst linker should avoid?" When Jason answered his question correctly Angelo nodded "exactly, someone else knowing your true identity. The point isn't if we can take them or not its if we initiate the fight then they will come looking for us and when they figure out who we are they can take us out in the real world. If theirs one thing I will never stop telling you is that you don't give out your identity willy-nilly just so you can duel someone" Angelo said he dodged Jason's sword slash and jumped away barley avoiding the pool of acid behind him knowing he was in a corner now...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by locomania22
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Caits said
Letting herself move with the momentum of the tackle, Lily sweeper her feet out knock pandora back down when she got back up, springing to her feet herself, and throwing out a kick towards Pandora, ready to follow through if need be.

Pandora groaned when she hit the floor, not having enough time to set her hands out to break her fall and spring back up. She opened her eyes, rolling out of the way when she saw the kick. She jumped back to her feet keeping herself braced for Lily's next attack.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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Grunting with the kick, Jason forces Angelo to dodge again as he slices horizontally at his midriff. "You also said there's less chance for them to come after us if we challenge them from here in the accel world. We can't keep sparring forever, Angelo." By now, he'd realized that Angelo was just burning time until his special bar was full, and Jason's was still only half. Lunging away from his guardian, he grabs a blue vial and turns to Angelo. "Besides, I'm pretty sure we can call it a day. I learned today's lesson, why push your health any lower?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Like any warrior you never quit in a fight you fight to the vet end no matter how dire the situation" Angelo said and he checked and saw his special bar was full and ready so now he charged Jason as his scythe glowed it's violet hue and once he was close enough Angelo uttered "scythe slash!" And at point blank range it seriously bright him down to nearly as low as health as Angelo "if you are sure about fighting them then we will have a tag team duel with them as our first real match however we will make it a fair match and fight with honor"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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"Fuck!" The second Special attack had caught Jason off guard, sending his health dangerously low and sending him stumbling backwards. However, his own special bar was now full and he knew that he had the upper hand if he could close the distance and lock Angelo in his chain of attacks. Still, his low health was not reassuring. "We're not even really fighting, we're sparring! There is a difference you know!" For emphasis, his long sword startling glowing cobalt. "And I'd rather not deplete your level."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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locomania22 said
Pandora groaned when she hit the floor, not having enough time to set her hands out to break her fall and spring back up. She opened her eyes, rolling out of the way when she saw the kick. She jumped back to her feet keeping herself braced for Lily's next attack.

Lily frowned, shifted, steppin back slightly, unsure of what to do now. Pandora had moved too wuickly for her to react, so now Lily waited for Pandora to make a move, ready at the slightest instant to make a counter move
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by locomania22
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"You're doing very well," she praised the other girl, a little smile on her lips. "I think you'll be in the close combat category, unlike me." Pandora stated, walking around her slowly, arms still up in a brace. She moved in quickly now, throwing several punches and swung her leg under Lily, hoping to through her off balance for her last punch to her sternum.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Angelo knew it was sparring which was why he wanted to let his student win so he could get some more points and level up again. "don't worry about my level I make sure to duel everyday to maintain a certain amount" which was in actuality a half truth since he did make sure to maintain a certain amount of points he doesn't really duel everyday. As much as Angelo wanted to beat people into the dust he had to focus on his schoolwork more and to train Jason. Angelo made it look like he was attempting to gain distance between them seeing that their time was running low Angelo gave a "false step" and made himself open to the special attack...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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"Alright." Jason knew Angelo was just setting himself up for the hit, but he also knew how hard headed Angelo could be when it came to finishing matches quickly. "Your choice." Bringing his sword into a ready position, he grins behind the helmet his Avatar wore. "Rush!" Dashing forwards at an incredible speed, ramming his sword point into Angelo before pulling out the sword and unleashing a barrage of slices, thrusts and slashes on him, finishing the chain of attacks with a powerful overhead slash down through his guardian. "Game, set, and match." Spinning the long sword in one hand, he sheaths it on his back with a resounding echo.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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locomania22 said
"You're doing very well," she praised the other girl, a little smile on her lips. "I think you'll be in the close combat category, unlike me." Pandora stated, walking around her slowly, arms still up in a brace. She moved in quickly now, throwing several punches and swung her leg under Lily, hoping to through her off balance for her last punch to her sternum.

Liliana smiled, knowing she still had a long way to go, despite the encouragement of Pandora. She swallowed, watching Pandora's movements, darting back with every attack, managing to stay out of range, before darting in, and throwing her own punches
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Zarkun said
"Alright." Jason knew Angelo was just setting himself up for the hit, but he also knew how hard headed Angelo could be when it came to finishing matches quickly. "Your choice." Bringing his sword into a ready position, he grins behind the helmet his Avatar wore. "Rush!" Dashing forwards at an incredible speed, ramming his sword point into Angelo before pulling out the sword and unleashing a barrage of slices, thrusts and slashes on him, finishing the chain of attacks with a powerful overhead slash down through his guardian. "Game, set, and match." Spinning the long sword in one hand, he sheaths it on his back with a resounding echo.

Angelo groaned as he took the hits but it wasn't the worst thing he ever felt at least and when his rush attack was finally over Angelo was on the ground groaning a little seeing the icons go down and declare Jason the winner of the match granting him more points. Soon the game match making ended and they were back to reality "getting better Jason, you learned your lesson well and soon I will take you out for a real battle just be ready when I send you the message for battle because our first one will be here with the other burst linkers that go here. got it?" Angelo asked Jason as he packed up his things getting ready to go to the next class...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by locomania22
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Caits said
Liliana smiled, knowing she still had a long way to go, despite the encouragement of Pandora. She swallowed, watching Pandora's movements, darting back with every attack, managing to stay out of range, before darting in, and throwing her own punches

Pandora grinned, dodging her attack and quickly swinging on a punch of her own. She knew she couldn't keep this up for a long time, since close combat wasn't her forte, but she had to help Liliana out the best she could. Pandora kept swinging in close, keeping herself close to Liliana in order to not let her get away. She knew she'd start to feel tired in a few minutes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Lily simply held steady, blocking the attacks, her eyes, alight, studying Pandora's attacks, waiting for any sign of weakness. She continually stepped back, deliberately choosing to lose ground then to fight back for now. When a chance arose, Lily ducked, and came in close, passed Pandora's guard, and brought a fist up, aiming for Pandora's chin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by locomania22
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Pandora got knocked off her feet by the blow to the chin, sitting up slowly. she shook her head a little to get the ring out of her ears, getting to her feet. She smirked at Lily, nodding. "Good hit, keep up that work," she smiled, coming in close and swiping her leg behind Lily's knees.
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