Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 7 mos ago

WilsonTurner said
It isn't made up. There is an actual grass that produces an actual dust that kills shit if someone breathes it or eats it. It's the problem of many ranches in Texas. I forget what it's called, but I can go ask my grandma about it; she's had to deal with it, and the grass is very resilient. Burning, plowing, spraying, none of it is really effective, cause it just keeps coming back. An expensive spray is all that was able to get rid of it. Otherwise, it'd get so thick that in the summer, when the wind blows, it would kill cattle in the pasture just from breathing it. Winter, Spring, and late Fall are the seasons one could travel safely; bad weather, or dangerous grass. Bad weather is mostly preferable, in which the bandits and the like will be watching. Except on the 'highways.' A dreadnaught would shoot the bandits down if they came near the highways.The grass exists. A man told my uncle's ranchhands to herd the cattle along the side of the highway [this was a long time ago, when that was the norm] at a relaxed pace; don't hurry or push them. The side of the highway had the grass; all the cattle were dead before they even reached the other pasture.

Can confirm that this grass exists
However said grass would not exist as according to everything im finding its a GMO Hybrid grass that suddenly starting producing Cyanide
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 22 days ago

KabenSaal said
Imagine having the Quantum De-constructor in this RP. It'd be like, ownage.

No one could ever challenge the might. Destroying peeps countries, hehe
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

duck55223 said
Can confirm that this grass existsHowever said grass would not exist as according to everything im finding its a GMO Hybrid grass that suddenly starting producing Cyanide

If you search 'poison grass,' you won't find it. I've already left a message for my grandma [she's 70+ and she's taking care of her half of the ranch better than we are, and voluntarily] inquiring after the name. However, it IS real. I assure you it is, I am not making it up. If I wanted to make anything up, it would be Bovril, that adorable little creature trying on the mustache in the interest check.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mantido


Member Offline since relaunch

WilsonTurner said
If you search 'poison grass,' you won't find it. I've already left a message for my grandma [she's 70+ and she's taking care of her half of the ranch better than we are, and voluntarily] inquiring after the name. However, it IS real. I assure you it is, I am not making it up. If I wanted to make anything up, it would be Bovril, that adorable little creature trying on the mustache in the interest check.

If we're going UNCOUNTERABLE NATURAL DEFENSES, then why shouldn't we all have some kind or another? That's just silly. You don't see me saying I'm surrounded entirely by tundra that will freeze people from the feet up if they walk on it, but there's a well-defended highway for people to use instead. A lot of it is a balance issue. Even if this stuff is real and even if it wasn't GM, it'd still wreck the balance because you're essentially in an unassailable fortress.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 7 mos ago

Mantido said
If we're going UNCOUNTERABLE NATURAL DEFENSES, then why shouldn't we all have some kind or another? That's just silly. You don't see me saying I'm surrounded entirely by tundra that will freeze people from the feet up if they walk on it, but there's a well-defended highway for people to use instead. A lot of it is a balance issue. Even if this stuff is real and even if it wasn't GM, it'd still wreck the balance because you're essentially in an unassailable fortress.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Asura
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Asura it hurts

Member Seen 4 days ago

WIP~ Comments are appreciated.

Nations Name: The Imperium of Valm


Form of Government: Monarchy

Describe the System:

Location on Map Desired: A sizable chunk along the coastal southeast of Edorinas

Capital: Valorin (Center of the Imperium); A massive sprawling metropolis. The city of Valorin has been around and used as the Imperium's heart since its inception in the ancient age. At its center lay the imperial palace, home to the royal family and the exact center of the city. From the palace the city extends outwards in a near perfect circle, with walls separating each 'segment' of the city from the rest. It is a beautiful city with the best architecture in all the empire, the crown jewel of Valm.

Important Settlements:



Important Characters:

Emperor Marcus V (45)
Empress Venia (40)
Crown Princess Decena (22)
Prince Gaius (20)
Princess Adrastia (18)
Princess Abelia (17)
Grand General Bernardus (41)
Grand Admiral Chrysanta (39)


Scared of Air: Your nation has never been one for their air legs. Many air loses and ship disasters have left your people unsupporting of any venture in which they need to fly into the sky +3
Deflated Balloons: Your nation views airship maintenance as an unneeded cost and so many of your airships have weak metal and the balloons are torn and with holes in them. They will not perform well in the air. +2

New Age Ship Construction: New ways of shaping the wood and newly discovered types of wood has led to advances in how ships perform. However these come at a cost, making ships more expensive than usual. +/-0 (This affects both naval and air vessels.)

Large Army: Your nation maintains an army of many men that can dwarf many of the smaller nations. -2
Professional Army: Your nation’s army is well trained and equipped with good weapons, performing better in battle. -3
Empire: Your lands are made up of conquered peoples and are vast. -4

Army: (I will roll this, navy, GDP and stability.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mantido


Member Offline since relaunch

Update: http://grist.org/news/no-genetically-modified-grass-isnt-killing-cows-with-cyanide/

The death is brought from eating the grass. It does not emit gas. From the article:
"The culprit, though, is poor livestock management, not a scientific Frankenstein that took it upon itself to gas cattle."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 22 days ago

Mantido said
If we're going UNCOUNTERABLE NATURAL DEFENSES, then why shouldn't we all have some kind or another? That's just silly. You don't see me saying I'm surrounded entirely by tundra that will freeze people from the feet up if they walk on it, but there's a well-defended highway for people to use instead. A lot of it is a balance issue. Even if this stuff is real and even if it wasn't GM, it'd still wreck the balance because you're essentially in an unassailable fortress.

Hear, hear.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Asura
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Asura it hurts

Member Seen 4 days ago

Natural defenses will always be a problem in nation RPs. The people who take up on mountainous terrain will always be harder to invade, people in cold terrain will always be harder to siege. I suppose it all balances out though. If you're in a frozen tundra, food shortages would probably plague you. Same with mountains because of a lack of farm land. The poison grass would probably work the same. Can't have livestock, but your enemies can't feed their horses.

Just my two cents.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 22 days ago

Asura said
Natural defenses will always be a problem in nation RPs. The people who take up on mountainous terrain will always be harder to invade, people in cold terrain will always be harder to siege. I suppose it all balances out though. If you're in a frozen tundra, food shortages would probably plague you. Same with mountains because of a lack of farm land. The poison grass would probably work the same. Can't have livestock, but your enemies can't feed their horses.Just my two cents.

But he's saying you cant cross it or it will kill you. Logically, for this reason you couldn't settle the thing, if it is all surrounded by the grass, as the wind would pick up and kill the settlers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Asura
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Asura it hurts

Member Seen 4 days ago

darkwolf687 said
But he's saying you cant cross it or it will kill you. Logically, for this reason you couldn't settle the thing, if it is all surrounded by the grass, as the wind would pick up and kill the settlers.

I thought we established it produced no gases? Apparently it only works if you eat it. Which no human should be doing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azimuth
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Azimuth Oberdankenführer

Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

I might be stretching a little bit here, but understand that the most superscience-y thing, outside of the airships, of course, is just their strange habitations. The rest is just good ol' fashioned eugenics coupled with extreme dedication.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

darkwolf687 said
But he's saying you cant cross it or it will kill you. Logically, for this reason you couldn't settle the thing, if it is all surrounded by the grass, as the wind would pick up and kill the settlers.

Alright, I'm sorry. But there IS the grass, and the only danger it'll be is to livestock of any kind- horses, cattle, etc., and it'll cause irritation if its kicked up, or some nasty stomach problems if too much is breathed in. All it does is prevent settlers from moving into valleys, and keeps them from planting ANY crops except in private, closed-off plots where the grass is torn out, as well as the topsoil.

It gives me less of an advantage now; I can't use horses, or livestock. But neither can an invading army.

EDIT: And know that most every settlement is on a large, steep rocky hill, or a small mountain, with the exception of Alacoth, which is on a larger mountain.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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Keyguyperson Welcome to Cyberhell

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Vanjana 2.0 is up! Also, new personal post length record with this app!

The fact that this is a personal length record is kind of saddening. I'll have to write longer things.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 22 days ago

Vanjanans have expensive tastes, it seems...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I think, based on the apps, most of the continent will be mountains, with a good deal of islands.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I think I can sell them food though. Loads and loasd of expensive food
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mantido


Member Offline since relaunch

WilsonTurner said
I think, based on the apps, most of the continent will be mountains, with a good deal of islands.

Not in my case. Vast forests and plains all the way.

Also a lot of mountains though, yeah.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 22 days ago

KabenSaal said
I think I can sell them food though. Loads and loasd of expensive food

Sounds like you'll be having fun, then...

For now... Muhhahahabahahahaha... Uh... Heh, no evils I promise...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

And put that money towards my ultimate goal! The removal of Coulomb's law! Once removed, the nucular force draws atoms together and creates a Hypernova, capable of destroying stars dozens of lightyears away. And everything in-between!
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