Awson said
This thread is now Larfleeze birthday thread. Weeeeee~Happy B-Day.
Awson said
This thread is now Larfleeze birthday thread. Weeeeee~Happy B-Day.
Cpt Toellner said
It is true, and I did a report on it for my Environmental Ethics class. There are varying levels of this theory, but we do know that it started when a prominent aluminum for US weaponry needed to get rid of excess fluoride, a by-product of the aluminum process. They commissioned a scientist with a dubious past that proclaimed fluoride was beneficial for the development of teeth. Many tests show that children in non-flouridated countries have worse teeth issues than those in countries that use fluoride, but most tests where third-world vs first world, so those results could be off.That is the end of the hard facts, now some people believe the fluoride is not beneficial at all and is just a way for metal companies to sell their waste by-products to communities everywhere. The true believers know however that the Nazis experimented with water flouridification to make the populace more docile. And the US government got access to their notes and implemented the process.
Azarthes said
Happy Birthday Larfreeze. Your name is shit and I hate you. :)
Dervish said
Plus, if you want proof it doesn't make people docile, just wait and see what happens when the water tastes or smells or looks off, which slightly higher flouride doses potentially will do. Public anger knows no bounds if the shit that comes out of their tap doesn't taste like bottled angel tears.
Halo said
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LARFLEEZECould you, just, like, kill a bunch of people if you wanted to? Just fuck up the water content with rat poison or something? I mean, seems unlikely, but somewhere in the chain there's probably someone who could screw with the water if they wanted to.
Dervish said
It's terrifyingly easy to contaminate a water reservoir. For example, if someone were to pour just 2 liters of oil into a 390,000 liter reservoir, the entire supply of water is pretty much undrinkable and capable of making people sick. I would not want the nightmare of having to try to replace and treat that much water when it's an essential service and trying to clean out the entire reservoir from any lingering contaminants. Plus, if that happened, the operator would probably be looking and crushing fines and jail time for not securing the water supply.So really, appreciate the efforts the guys in your municipality go through to make sure your water is clean and safe to drink as well as keeping up with demand. It's a very tricky line of work.
Dervish said
It's terrifyingly easy to contaminate a water reservoir. For example, if someone were to pour just 2 liters of oil into a 390,000 liter reservoir, the entire supply of water is pretty much undrinkable and capable of making people sick. I would not want the nightmare of having to try to replace and treat that much water when it's an essential service and trying to clean out the entire reservoir from any lingering contaminants. Plus, if that happened, the operator would probably be looking and crushing fines and jail time for not securing the water supply.So really, appreciate the efforts the guys in your municipality go through to make sure your water is clean and safe to drink as well as keeping up with demand. It's a very tricky line of work.
Azarthes said
Naaaaahhhh I'm sure it'll be fine.
Larfleeze said
pee in the reservoirlarfreeze commands u
Dervish said
Bear Gylles Approved.
Also, happy old man day!
Dervish said Ohnoes!
I suspected as much. His fault for having a name that looks like somebody's last ditch effort to not lose at Scrabble.
idlehands said
Larfleeze said
Is that Welsh too?
Derpestein said
ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn^^^Good morning in Welsh