A lot of you that played FFXIII, will remember an event called The War of Trangression, while it was mentioned alot, not many details to said war were given, and, since I've been grinding the two games a lot recently, I thought, why not create the events that occurred within by playing them out with some other fans?
So, here it is, it's just an interest check, but, the general overview, is as follows.
The war has just begun, the Pulse and Cocoon Fal'cie have declared violence upon one another, and are creating L'cie left, right, centre and behind. these soldiers are then sent out onto the plains of Pulse to train, and, ultimately, destroy one another.
Technologically, the L'cie of Gran Pulse are at a disadvantage, being forced to craft and create their own weaponry using items found around the world, and are equipped with Lances, Staves and other 'medieval-esq' weaponry, while the Cocoon L'cie have the backing of their home, and their Fal'cie overlords, and can be equipped with anything from an energized Dagger, to a high-powered rifle.
ALL L'cie will be given a focus, some L'cie will share a focus, giving this RP a party dynamic just like the VIdeo Games, and yes, there will be character combat roles, Commando, Ravager, Sentinel, Medic, Saboteur and Synergist will all make an appearance, along with one or two others, which I'll reveal if this RP reaches to OOC stage.
Also, you, the player, may choose your side, you don't have to be Pulse, nor do you have to be Cocoon L'cie, YOU chose which you are. That way, we can play both sides of the conflict.
Anyways, I shall now wait, and see who's interested.