If I may be so bold, there is a simple solution to this:
Hit the track.
Track damage would just mean the tank is immobilized, and still leave it intact for the new comers to kill.
I asked in case Lennon wanted the tank to be more durable than it seemed. Allowing it to take 3-4 hits before being considered "destroyed". Two shots from infantry, then one to two shots from the makeshift tank that the newcomers would be on/in.
But since Lennon said that was the plan. I guess I have to make Stichler more inaccurate with a Lance than I originally wanted to.
Oh well, guess I'll re-write the parts that need to be re-written then finish the post. *Forces smile and happy look*
(P.S. I'm actually not going to post today, irritated enough.
@Kitsune, you may post without fear of interrupting any plans I had (As I've lost the post).)