Freeshooter92 said
Is it too fabulous for you Free?
Freeshooter92 said
The Irish Tree said
Is it too fabulous for you Free?
The Irish Tree said
Is it too fabulous for you Free?
Freeshooter92 said
The Irish Tree said
Is it too fabulous for you Free?
The Irish Tree said
No Free. Ronald is the robots.Also, screw you Free. Now I'm hooked on Fire Emblem Awakening and keep tripping over Eliwood's freaking swords. WHY DID HE HAVE SO MANY?
The Irish Tree said
No Free. Ronald is the robots.Also, screw you Free. Now I'm hooked on Fire Emblem Awakening and keep tripping over Eliwood's freaking swords. WHY DID HE HAVE SO MANY?
Freeshooter92 said
I don't know, why did Hector have so many axes?
The Irish Tree said
Because He's Hector. EVERY FANTASTIC LOCK OF HIS HAIR WAS AS SHARP AS AN AXE, THERE IS NO OTHER EXPLANATION!I love how much sense the Second Seals make, "sure, let's turn the Myrmidon into uh...a...MAGE...OR A WYVERN RIDER!"Lesse here...anything else I need to say...Oh. Chrom crits like a mother trucker. And Stahl is best toilet knight.
Rtron said
So...I have know idea what the hell Free and Tree are talking about.Someone enlighten me?
Rtron said
Sounds like it should ring a bell....turn based or in real time?
The Irish Tree said
Turn based. Because real men take TIME to plan their moves!
Freeshooter92 said
The plant man is correct. Given that this series started on the NES, or was it the SNES?
Rtron said
Who wants deer meat?
The Irish Tree said
Rtron said
And there goes my childhood...