> I saw, having character meet so early to be something that could both be good and bad.
> Bad: It makes them face each other before they had even been establish as characters, and before we as readers know them.
> Good: It is a good in to start a relationship between them, and can explain why they might meet again in the big, big forest.
> Anyway, I'm sure we'll find an other opening/reason for them to run in to each other. I kinda like the idea of Cat at some point teaming up with Zmerr though, as they both are a kind of tribal-like hunters.
Maybe Zmerr thought she ran off but in reality she really did only duck for cover. You could have her follow him or catch up with him and talk to him. He'll most likely hold the gun to her, but he won't shoot unless she gives him a reason to. He's realized she's not human so that's earned her some points with him. He'll now be more willing to listen to her. Just be careful how she approaches. Like I said, he won't likely shoot. He doesn't want to waste precious energy. That's the problem with plasma guns. There isn't a whole lot of resources to replenish them with.