Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by StarWight
Avatar of StarWight

StarWight Rising from the Burrow Downs

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

[hider=Availability Legend] Open: Accepting as many as I can get Limited: Only taking a small number of RPs Selective: Taking one or two Closed: ...kinda obvious, this one :P[/hider] [b]Availability:[/b] Limited (Only taking one right now, plus a personal RP with a friend--my life is a LOT busier now!!). HELLO everyone, and welcome to my 1x1 interest thread! I’m finding that I am having pretty crappy luck with group RPs at this new guild and I’m really hoping to find some good 1x1 partners to play with! I’m not terribly picky about RPs in and of themselves, but I’ll be up front with you guys; I do like RPs that have deep character development; I’m not looking for a quick all action RP, I like emotion in my Role Plays. I like things to be closer to reality. For example, a character's best friend dies, we’d spend more than two posts mentioning the dead character and then forgetting them the rest of the RP--you know, like video games tend to do? -___- Also, ideally [b]I’d have a partner who’s around in my boring hours of the night, when I’ve got nothing to reply to or RP with. I’m GMT-9 so that would be about 8 pm to 2 am my time, give or take an hour.[/b] It would be fun to have an RP partner that I can just go back and forth with for several posts, or even collaborate posts with together. This isn’t *required* of course, and I’ll take *ANY* person that comes my way who is still interested by the time this interest check is finished. That’s just my ideal, and I really hope there’s someone out there who can do this! I’m 28 years old, just so you know (some people, I know, have difficulty RPing mature themes with a younger underage crowd, that’s why I included this), and I am a male. I *can* and *do* RP both genders equally well, so there’s room for diversity when it comes to our RP. I’ll generally let my partner decide what gender character they want to play. Also, I don’t have your typical “pairings” list, I’m more into plots, but more on that in a bit. [b]PLEASE read through my rules/standards page.[/b] I’m not even kidding, there is important stuff in there! It tells exactly what I am looking for in an RP partner, and if you can’t take the time to read them, then you’re wasting not only my time, but your own as well. So just take a bit to cool your heels and read! I’ll give you a cookie if you do. Even milk too! :D [hider=My Rules] [u]My Rules/Standards[/u] I am mostly looking for more advanced RPs. By advanced I don’t mean some giant wall of text, I actually mean the literal definition of advanced: Minimum of 2 paragraphs that are well written, at least tries to be grammatically correct (don’t worry about the odd typo, just be legible), and contributes to what is going on. So in other words, I want quality over quantity. I’m looking for advanced [i]quality[/i] posts. That said, I am MORE than happy to go all out and do posts ranging from 3-5 or even more. If you can do it, so can I! I’ll match what you give me xD (In other words, I won’t be an annoying little shit and give you 2 paragraphs when you gave me 5). That said, I do not like 1-liners. I hate the shit out of them. They make me want to take my knife and slice out my own eyes!! So no one-liners, under any circumstances. It shouldn’t be too hard to put together a couple paragraphs when I’m spitting out at least that much, and often times 3+. As I said before, I really want more emotional, character driven RPs. That is also why I say I’m looking for more advanced RPs. Labeling something as “casual” also tends to imply to a lot of people that there is less focus on character, more on action. I’d like these RPs to really delve into the characters themselves, their emotional reactions to what is happening to them. Action has it’s place, don’t get me wrong--I just don’t want character development to take a back seat to it. I’ll do romance, I love a good bit of that in my RPs. Just don’t expect smutty, I will not do it, I flat refuse. Also, if we’re going to go anywhere near the more physical side of romance, I’d like the RP partner to be 18+. It would feel too weird RPing that sort of thing with someone who’s underage and would get me jail time IRL. O.o I won’t ask for a post EVERY day, but at least every couple days would be preferable. If something comes up and you can’t post for more than 3 days at once, *please* be courteous and send me a PM. I’d do the same for you! [b]IF you can fit my ideal timeslot, and RP back and forth together during my late night hours (may well not be late night for you depending on your time-zone), please let me know. I wouldn’t expect this every day, because some people have lives (unlike me), so don’t let that thought put you off! Just looking for someone who likes to RP back and forth, exchanging posts for a couple hours or more if they are really into the RP :P I won’t bite, despite my screen-name. If you want to get friendly, talk about life, move beyond the “professional, business only” thing, I’m all for it. So don’t be afraid to say hi, get a bit personal, tell me about yourself. No biggie if you’d rather stay “just RPers” but, I don’t mind if you want to move beyond that either. Tis up to you :) I kinda alluded to this, but I do mature themes: blood, gore, violence, that sorta thing. Feel free to describe in as much detail as you wish about how your character eviscerates their enemies, painting fun little symbols in their own blood, chops their pieces into pieces, and then spreads them out across the globe. Okay, kind of an *extreme* example there, but the point stands: I’m good with mature content. [b]DO not just drop my RP!!![/b] If you lose interest, just TELL me. Please. We can come up with another idea, or you can just walk away entirely, but let me know first. I won’t be angry with you unless you just vanish without a word after taking the time to start something with me. That will just flat piss me off, and I’ve had a rough enough month--so don’t do it to me! I get so tired of people that do that, it’s not even effing funny -____- As many people that put this in their interest checks, one would think it wouldn’t happen so often O.o FINALLY, I’ll do RPs a variety of ways. IF they contain anything even remotely near sexual scenes, I will ONLY do those via a PM or google doc. That’s it. I won’t do it at the forum, Mahz has enough going on without having to worry about losing his damn adsense again. So let’s do him a favor and keep that sort of thing private, where it belongs. [i]Everything else[/i] I am willing to do via thread, PM, or google doc. SPECIAL NOTICE: IF you are able to fit the ideal I’m looking for (I mentioned this twice, I won’t reiterate what I mean by that, you probably should know this by now xD), I would prefer writing it via google doc. I’ve done this a few times, and I’ve found it to be a great way to RP. It’s not NECESSARY, I certainly won’t turn down someone who is available because they are uncomfortable with it, but it would be great if you’d be willing to try that. When it comes to fandoms, note that I absolutely refuse to play canon characters. I hate being constricted like that, and I flat won’t do it beyond a casual NPC kinda thing. I also prefer my partner to have an OC too, but if you are really convincing I might be willing to RP with you if you want a canon. If you want to have more than one character, then I’ll probably let you, but don’t expect me to. One thing I flat refuse to do is high school RPs. I don’t much want to relive High School.[/hider] [b]AND FINALLY, we come to my interests! If you’ve gotten this far, congratulations! You’ve earned that cookie and milk I promised, so here you go! *Hands you the most wonderful cookie in the world and a tall glass of milk* Enjoy! And kick back and read my interests![/b] ***=something I *really* like/want to do [u]FANDOMS[/u] Almost all interest checks have fandoms, and I’m no exception. I’m interested in anything I put in here, but we’ll have to brainstorm plot ideas together. [b]***The Hunger Games [/b](I REALLY love this one, though I prefer ones that don’t take place during the book. I’m not looking to RP the trilogy, I’m looking to RP the setting/premise). [b]***Harry Potter[/b] (again, NOT looking to RP the books/films. I’m looking to RP either before the events or after). [b]Star Wars[/b] (Same thing as before, not looking to RP any of the films, but I am interested in the setting) [b]Lord of the Rings[/b] (Could even RP the original trilogy if you want, if we are doing our own thing while the Fellowship does theirs) [b]***Twilight[/b] (I swear to God, don’t even make fun of me for this or I’ll blacklist you xD NOT looking to recreate the movies --and haven’t read the books-- I’m looking for a completely original plot with completely original characters). [b]***Silent Hill[/b] (I actually have a couple ideas from this, but am also willing to hear other ideas). [b]***Final Fantasy[/b] (Would love to RP something involving the worlds of FFVII or X--ESPECIALLY X. This is the only Fandom that I would even consider a canon character as a main, but I’d prefer OCs). [b]Elder Scrolls[/b] (Just no spoilers. I’ve played Oblivion and Skyrim, but have not beaten either one). [b]***Fallout series[/b] (From Fallout 2 onward. Or we can make our own area of the wastes. Just don’t ask me to do one from the Fallout 1 era, I don’t remember enough from that game) [b]***FIREFLY[/b] (I LOVE this show, and was once part of a really kick-ass group RP. I'd love to do another Firefly RP sometime with a serious partner who is just as much a browncoat as I am!) **Open to other suggestions** [u]ORIGINAL GENRE'S/IDEAS[/u] [b]***Fantasy/Western hybrid[/b] (I do have a half-assed idea for this, but need help fleshing out a viable plot) [b]High Fantasy[/b] (Got an idea here too, if you are interested. Or hit me up with your own) [b]***Modern Fantasy[/b] (YES, this includes werewolves, vampires, paranormal, or anything else we can come up with). [b]Science Fiction[/b] (Open to suggestions, have no plots in mind) [b]***Post Apocalyptic[/b] I'm up for **ANYTHING** here, including zombies so long as it's similar to the Walking Dead and more character driven! If you have an idea, just shoot me a PM :) [b]Horror or Survival Horror[/b] (Anything similar to Silent Hill) [b]***Drama[/b] (Anything that has high emotions and character development. But I don’t do complete duplicates of IRL, I live in life, so there has to be some kind of twist). AND you have finally come to the end of my interests! ANY genera and ANY fandom are open to your ideas as well, I am a good listener when it comes to those, and I am more than willing to help flesh out ideas! I just want a good, long term RP! If you are interested in something, feel free to PM me if you want, or post it here. Your choice, but if you post it here I'm probably just going to PM you about it anyway xD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by StarWight
Avatar of StarWight

StarWight Rising from the Burrow Downs

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

wooow...Can a mod help me with this, I guess none of the old code works anymore???
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