also thumbs up for Becky ignoring LillyDX Gah how did I not see that!! I'm off to edit
also thumbs up for Becky ignoring LillyDX Gah how did I not see that!! I'm off to edit
W8 so would loving lilly count as necrophilia? -gets shot for too much salt-XD and possibly pedophilia *savagely murdered* "Ha!! Never knew you were into loli, eh Becky?" XD ~"For the record, I wasn't going to sleep with her you libidinous ingrate."~ <.<
pecrophilia "Hi, my name is Chris Hanson. Would you please gtfo of the coffin?"W8 so would loving lilly count as necrophilia? -gets shot for too much salt-XD and possibly pedophilia *savagely murdered*
You know, Lilly is actually 19 years old.still pecrophilic if she's dead and 19 and reppimpa the pimpire is over nine thousand -tips as many fedoras as I could before falling into a pit of fedoras- and im aware the renaissance did not occur nine thousand years ago