Since you're getting basically nine credits from this mission rotation, because you're both completing one and antagonizing two, you'll be able to buy a subplot in which this happens.
Really? Sweet. Maybe i could turn this into a different mission when we do another mission or something. I dunno, I'd like to see some people show interest in joining the W.A.R (Wresting Alliance of Remnant) first before I get too deep into it. Still, wrestling is just one of the ways to win the show, as it's a bit more like an underground MMA tournament; not a lot of rules and it's mostly honor bound, you got faces and heels, warriors and cheats, but in the end all that matters is coming out on top. Seeing these kung fu flicks and nostalging on Shenmue makes me want to do a sort of urban martial arts mission, kinda like Sleeping Dogs but with more fist-to-face hunt-vs-Grimm action. yes, you will be fighting some humans and faunas, but your true opponents are Grimm. And you will defeat them. WITH KUNG FU AND WRESTLING!
I'll figure something out later and send you guys the memo.