Anything that costs money is not a right, it is a commodity. I don't know what stats you've been looking at, but the economies of European countries right now are downright awful. Only Germany and Britain are even industrial nations anymore. Just look how well socialized medicine is working for Greece at the moment.
The military in the US employs millions of people. Cut it off, and you've got even more people stuffed into a poor job market. Plus, there's the whole war going on right now against an extremist group that wants to kill us for our basic ideals of freedom.
Kaben, I suppose you are right--fighting to break free from a position beneath the foot of tyrannical colonial rule involved murder, and taking away land and resources from a cross-country British empire to establish an independent nation was theft. If you're going to sling insults and generalizations rather than actually contribute to a debate, then you may be silent.
I actually was referring to the people that where already there at the time. And the Pilgrim Fathers left England because it wasn't catholic enough for them. And when they got there and saw that people where already present, they killed them and stole their stuff.