With a plot crossed between Five Nights at Freddy's, Disney, and a zombie apocalypse-esque survival drama...
Either you're a guest paying or staff working at a Disney cruise, on one of the biggest cruise ships in the world, to an island resort further Disney themed...this is the most expensive Disney experience you can be a part of, with full-time actors playing the parts of recognisable human Disney characters, and cutting-edge animatronics for the less human characters. Of course, that's where all the trouble starts. The malfunction of the animatronics noted the week previous, about the general twitchiness and oddly activating at odd hours of the night, never seemed so relevant till now. When the animatronics attacking anybody who isn't dressed as a Disney character, or a child, it becomes a chaotic free for all of how to survive...can hiding behind Snow White save you? Can Mickey Mouse really hear with those ears? Oh gods, are those animatronic talking lions?! Would you really kill Jasmine to steal her costume? The beast is lurking...honestly, how fucked is the guy dressed up as Gaston?
I don't really think I want to have any real kid characters in this story, so maybe a fully matured classes' reunion hosted at the new Disney cruise/island as a publicity stunt? Thing? Dunno, gotta iron out the heck out of this, as it's been a while since I GMed anything.