((Collab Post between Letter Bee, LordSanta, and RoflsMazoy))
Note: The primary conceit of this piece is that The Gifted is a TV Show and all the characters are actors. Also, this work is for the sake of my sanity; or what's left of it, anyway.
Smoke blew across the stage as two people, one a 20-year old, brown-haired, blue-eyed, baby-faced cascausian male wearing a T-Shirt and Jeans (the longcoat was impractical), the other a young, 13-year old boy who had hair a different shade of brown, blue eyes that seemed wider and more innocent than the older male's, and his own T-shirt and jeans, sat on a set of chairs overlooking a central table piled high with letters.
"Hello there, ladies and gentlemen!" shouted the 20-year old, "this is Cedric Wessex, the actor playing, well, Cedric Wessex on the TV Show, The Gifted, and this is Eden Verne Wells, the future actor of Eden! And this is..."
"The Gifted Mailbag!"
"Where we answer your fanmail!" said Eden. This was met by the sounds of a lot of hands clapping.
"'Now," said Cedric, "let me open the first letter."
Dear Gifted Crew, how do you feel about the latest plot twist with Ruby?
"I say meh," said Cedric in a way that's meant to be cool. Eden meanwhile, stated:
"Scriptwriter Potato just got himself an order of laxatives with his espresso. I explicitly stated I wanted my character to be raised by Cedric, not Ruby."
"I always told him to watch his food..." Isaac (the actor playing him, anyway) sighed as he walked onto the stage.
There was some light, respectful applause as he took a seat next to Cedric and Eden's actors.
"You are sooo much more evil than I am in this show." He said, picking out a letter that was addressed to him. "It's my shot this time. Let's see..."
Isaac (the actor) took the letter out of the plain envelope and began reading it.
Dear Gifted crew, if you were stuck on an island with one of the characters, which one would it be?
"Oh, wow." Isaac said. "Well, in all honesty, I don't think I'd feel safe around my character. Or Damien. Or Eden. Pretty much everyone, actually. I guess the one I'd have to go for is... Olivia? I feel like she wouldn't try to kill me too much."
That one got a few laughs from the crowd.
"What about you guys?" He asked Cedric and Eden.
"Olivia for me as well!" said Cedric eagerly, while Eden spoke:
"Hmm, I can't pick someone around my age group because then Kumiko - from another show entirely - would think that I've ceased my romantic interest in her. So, basically...Cer. I think I'd like Cer to be my guardian in a deserted island."
"Hmm, all of the choices are female," said Cedric, "what a coincidence. Anyway, next letter:"
Dear Gifted Crew, how would you react to the news that your ratings already rival Heroes' First Season, and certainly outdo the later seasons?
"Wow. That's certainly impressive." Isaac said. "But when you say it like that, I can't help but feel like ours might go down the plughole too, sooner or later."
"Yeah," said Cedric, "Scriptwriter Letter Bee is a little too fond of...a certain decriminalized drug, in my view. I mean, it's not affecting him adversely yet, but well, one day, it might just prove to be the plot's undoing."
"Or Bee might graduate to acid," spoke Eden, "I mean, seriously, the Eden plotline must have been concieved on drugs; after all, a baby who turns into a teenager who turns into a tree that grants healing and powers? That's sort of out there. Now, next letter!"
"Well, that plot is how we got you here, but you have a point." Isaac said, picking up the next letter.
Does your vacuum cleaner lack suction? Call up the vacuum cleaner repair service and we'll get it fixed up straight away!
"Hey, who put spam in here?" Isaac asked, turning around to shoot a look at the dude who brought the mail in.
Too late, he was gone.
"Seriously, what's with this- oh." Isaac said as he turned the ad over.
On the other side there was a letter.
Sorry that I sent you spam, I didn't have any other paper on hand and I really had to ask. Cedric, what's your brand of Shampoo? It looks so fabulous. I just want to take it home XD
"Ooookay..." Isaac said, slightly disturbed. "Cedric?"
"Ooh, Head and Shoulders!" said Cedric, now finding his stride. "And, well, it's a little creepy and a little flattering, emphasis on little. Eden, you want to narrate the next letter?
"All right," said Eden, "but as it's the fifth non-spam letter, it's also the final one. Here goes:"
Dear Gifted Crew, who played 15-year old Cedric in the end of Arc I and the entirety of Arc II?
"Me, with makeup," said Eden a little sarcastically.
"My younger brother, Arthur Wessex," said Cedric, "You know, the names 'Arthur' and 'Wessex' paired together would cause a lot of Early Medieval Historians to Facepalm."
"Well, your parents seem to have a sense of humour." Isaac commented. "Though I gotta say, you two look really similar. Like, uncannily similar. You sure he's not your clone or something?"
"Nah," said Cedric, "it's mostly makeup. Anyway..."
"We now end The Gifted Mailbag!" said Eden.