Next up we have the B-team doing a Scout mission in the Ruins. We have to explore 90% of the rooms.
Our party's skills aren't entirely synergistic. Smink, our Vestal, won't be able to access all of his skills during the quest because he has two melee skills equipped and we need him in back for his ranged skills.
Though he does end up getting a chance to get up close and deal some damage after Kirra the Crusader gets knocked back.
About halfway through the dungeon our hunger sets in and forces us to use the last bit of our food. Now if it happens again, we'll take some serious hunger damage.
When you start a journey, you have to pick how much torches, food, and other useful items you want to buy for your trip. I like to bring one shovel in case we come across some rubble, but unfortunately we ran into two separate piles. We have to take damage in order to cross.
We're nearing the end, though a bit battered, with our 2nd barely-able-to-heal Vestal and a not-entirely-useful Plague Doctor doing little more than tickling the enemies.
Done! With no deaths yet again!
Completing the mission unlocked the Guild - which lets us upgrade and swap skills...
And the Blacksmith - which lets us upgrade our weapons and armor.
I'll be saving up my heirlooms (which are used to upgrade the buildings in town) for the ability to rank up Combat Skills, so right now all we're going to do is swap out a couple of the party's skills for some more useful ones.
Smink is going to be the lucky healer getting the upgrade first (on account of him not being the one with Syphilis), and also our new Jester is going to get a little more finely tuned to my likings.
Meh starting skills, but they were quickly fixed.
Notable quirks: Natural Swing = +5 Accuracy
I'll probably do one or two more introductory posts, and then start doing missions at a faster pace. I wish I could do action screenshots but my shit's kinda fucked.