Posted, because I was alerted by a burp, of all things :P
Oh, and I should probably mention a new mechanic I added:
Your characters will all be highlighted in different colors. Each color represents the situation your character is in. Whether your character can perceive this or not is up to you.
Blue - Blue means that the situation is relatively calm with no immediate 'dangers' of any sort.
Yellow - things are kind of awkward or slightly stressed, but the situation is not salvageable.
Orange - at this rate confrontation/something bad is SURE to happen; the most you can do is make sure whatever happens doesn't happen to YOU.
Red - Code red; you're all in trouble.
Pink - Confession? Sudden crush!? Basically meant to represent situations where a character is predominantly in a romantic situation. This color can quickly go to Red, Orange or White.
Purple - Imminent discovery inbound, provided you take the proper course of action!
Green - The formation of new contacts, friends or acquaintances. Shows up when you've got a chance to form a relationship with an important NPC.
White - The situation is chaotic and unpredictable. Your character may receive inexplicably good luck one second, then get hit by a lightning bolt the next. Nothing is for sure.
What do you guys think? Should I implement this new system permanently or just trash the idea?