Finally, interest. I think that would be cool, and players should be able to choose what year they're in. Of course, nobody wants to chill by themselves.
Sounds cool. And it would be also cool to have half or quarter-races. Like, I'd love to play as a dude who is 1/8th goblin (however that happened) and has a very low ability to perform wandless magic. That and pointy years and a tendency to hoard gold.
Great! I think we would need at least 4 or 5 people to start; so that's me,@Tatsua Aiisen,@Emma and@Esterdi. Tell me if we should start or wait for more people! //goes off to file player records
I personally would favour something in the transitional stages between the higher-level magic and the lower-level stuff. Fourth year would be a good enough choice, perhaps? Third or first would also be great, in my opinion.