@ShikaruHmm? Oh sorry. I have been sick and working a lot, plus I ran tonight and dont' feel well. I've got to go to bed early to try to recover. I can't really bounce ideas... argh. I might have a few mins if you want to get on steam.
Wow damn. cool. This is definitely something the Organisation would do. For added drama you could say he was an agent and the experiments were initially his own initiative, but they went so much further than he was willing to go.
Lol. I wasn't going to say anything wiz, but I figured he meant like lab-grown organs and stuff sewn together... But apparently has a robotic arm as well. Oh well. Game on.
I should probably mention his left arm isn't some tiny 6 inch sword either. The blade extends all the way up and down his arm, stopping at the top of his shoulders and ending where the tip of a hand would be. It's pretty big, not some dinky crap lol.
Trying to get a pic up thats similar to what the blade looks like but it's brokedy
Was in accedent yesterday, no use of one arm for few weeks. will try to post but grammar will suck. i will do what i can but that's iffy with only left hand and being right handed.
@Shikaru Ya, it's not bad enough for a prescription, but bad enough that i can't use right arm or carry anything heavier then a gallon of milk. but even that is hard.
@Remipa Awesome That's good, all things considered, it could be a lot worse. Going by the fact you can actually lift things with it I'll assume the injury wasn't that terrible.