Sorry I forgot to mention im new to this RP chat style. As I get use to it and the rules I'll give more depth to my posts. If there are any issues please let me know and I will edit it. Also if there are any lessons that you guys would be kind enough to pass on they will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
One thing I've noticed already is the constant need to hit the page refresh button so I can see the new posts.
It's ok, I am still improving myself :) I am sure you will get used to it. So far you are doing well, all I can say is watch how much detail everyone puts into their posts and you will get the hang of it, literally that's what I had to do xD
If you want to ask anything rp-wise just ask us and we will try to answer the best we can! :)
@Warrior in the Shadows No worries I got it. I hope....*smile @EWillden Is writing that a heal took effect and how well over stepping the creative boundaries?