@AkayaofthemoonI know that I also need to pass it with @Invisible Man, but I have an idea for the power that Soda and Soap's fusion would have. Her ability is Omnilingualism, and his is the ability to poison gems. I was thinking that their fusion could have a power Similar to Soap's, in which the victim gem would be infected. However, the means and effects of the poison would be different. Firstly, the poison would be an airborn pathogen that would be emitted from their mouth, possibly in the form of smog or something similar. The poison would enter the body, and would give the gem the phantom feelings of a human body, but also increase the durability of the solid light form. This would make them feel the pain from what would be broken bones, burns, and similar things before they poof away. Being removed by the fusion itself or poofing are the only two ways to get rid of the poison