Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 1 day ago

"I see the bad moon arising. I see trouble on the way. I see earthquakes and lightnin'. I see bad times today. Don't go around tonight. Well, it's bound to take your life. There's a bad moon on the rise..." Ryan sang along to the music playing on the radio. He sat in the driver seat of his old, red pick-up, traveling down the icy roads of Colorado. The sound of his phone ringing brought his enjoyment to an end, he knew who it was. Ryan turned the radio's volume down then picked up the phone. "Hey, Dad. How's it goin'?... What? No, I'd never talk on the phone while driving. That's stupid... I don't know when I'm coming back. I just got this new job and... uh-huh... uh-huh... Well that doesn't change... Well I... Can you let me... You know what? I gotta go. Bye, dad." As Ryan put the phone down on the passenger seat, he looked up to see a tiny spider descending on a web from the roof of the car. "Ah, shit! Spider!" he screamed before quickly slouching away from the arachnid, no bigger than a pinhead. He grabbed the map that also sat on the passenger seat and swatted at it, crushing it against the window. Ryan breathed a sigh of relief before looking back at the road, just in time to realize that he was about to drive off of it. Ryan's car broke through the guardrails and flew into the air. "Oh, F-" he started before the car made a graceless landing.

After the passing of several hours, Ryan finally awoke from the wreck. He lifted his head from the wheel, the airbag hadn't gone off, and immediately felt an immense headache. He reached up and touched his forehead and felt something wet. His head was bleeding. Ryan let out a groan as he reached for the handle of the car door, only for the airbag to finally go off late. "Owww." The young man pushed the airbag back and successfully opened the car door. He tried to roll himself out, but was suddenly stopped by his seatbelt. Ryan reached back, unbuckled himself, and fell into the snow. He sat up and took a look at his surroundings, snow covered trees as far as the eye could see. He gave a sigh of disappointment and moved to his truck to gather his things. Ryan checked his inventory: his two handguns, his rifle, and all the ammo he could carry for the three weapons. His wallet was empty of any money, the map seemed to have disappeared, and his phone had died while he was unconscious. How long had I been out? Ryan then began his trek through the woods, seeing as the road was too high to get back to. It was lucky for him that the snow had been there to break the fall, otherwise who knows what would have happened to him.

After a few hours of hopeless walking, Ryan spotted something in the distance. What is that? Sort of looks like a building. Wish I had some binoculars so I could- "The scope!" he shouted as he unslung his rifle from his back. He looked through the scope of the rifle to get a better look at the seemingly empty cabin in the woods. Looks abandoned. Maybe it'll have something for me to use to dress my wounds. He slung the rifle onto his back again and lifted his hand again to feel his still-bleeding forehead. Hope they're friendly, if anybody is home. Ryan then began his walk towards the cabin.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AcaciaMalikov
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AcaciaMalikov The Wolf Within

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Acacia 'Ace' Malikova

7.45 am - Acacia's Cabin

Light footfalls would echo through the emptiness of a small wooden building, a petite pale figurine moved about as she hummed to herself in the bliss of the wilderness's silence. The young woman had barely done anything to prepare for her day, she'd crawled out of bed like any other morning still wearing an old worn grey hoodie and torn faded blue jeans. She'd barely need to glance about as she heard the wakeful yawn of the canine 'Truth' in the corner of the room.

"Good morning sleepy," she'd say cheerfully, auburn locks dangling just past her shoulders in an untamed fashion. Slender hands worked gracefully as she began preparing a basic and quick breakfast, two servings of bacon and eggs just for herself and the spoiled wolf who now sat eagerly at the edge of the kitchen.

Placing the meal upon two separate plates she'd shove the dishes of the pan and spatula within the sink for later cleaning before collecting both plates and spinning upon her heels with a bright smile spread across light pink lips, "Breakfast is served," she'd state lightly as she placed one of the servings upon the floor beside a small two chair table, the large 40 kg (88 lbs) wolf quickly digging in, before placing the second upon the table and sitting to eat.

After finishing the meal she'd place the last few dishes within the sink with the rest and headed for the door, "You coming or staying?" Acacia would ask lightly over her shoulder, bright sky blue hues glancing at Truth before a small hand wrapped around the door's handle and opened it up to the world beyond. As Truth wandered outside past Acacia she'd nod lightly, "I thought so," she'd say to herself before wandering out as well and closing the door.

It wasn't long before she'd begin walking to the edge of a small front deck, hands raising above her head as she stretched and groaned as her shoulders cracked releasing a bit of tension from the nights sleep. The area surrounding the building was coated in ivory sheets, endless miles of snowy terrain confined the old building to isolation which seemed to be the exact reason Acacia had taken it as her humble abode. Smiling widely she'd bare her polished pearl teeth and reached for the lower rim of her jumper, pulling it up she'd remove it and place it over the porch railing not bothered by the cold bite in the air upon her bare skin. She'd quickly remove the denim wrapping around her legs along with a pair of panties and placing them over the rail as well.

As she glanced about and took a deep breath in she'd begin walking through the small field of white towards the dense forest outskirts, pace slowly collecting to a jog as she listened to the crumpling snow beneath her own feet and those of Truths following off to the side. Grinning widely she'd pick-up the pace once more until at a full sprint, the growth of auburn hairs began sprouting all over her slender form engulfing her as she began hunching over, the transformation taking place at a slow yet bearable pace.

Eventually reaching four limbs, Acacia continued running full speed, shaking her head now and then as she clenched her teeth. Bones re-arranging, re-shaping, and re-sizing always took it's toll as she eventually found herself completely taken over by a wolf frame. She didn't stop to look upon herself as she allowed herself to disappear within the mountains ranges, enjoying her daily run as she always did.

12.30 pm - The Wilderness

Acacia hadn't yet returned home, Truth no longer by her side as she moved at a partial jogging pace. Velveteen nasal of onyx black racing as its panels pulled at every scent within the air, prey that had been through the area recently made her mouth water with hunger, though without Truth she'd remain away from the task of hunting alone. Large dish-like ears rotating to and fro as she listened to the sound of birds singing and the wind howling, icy blue hues taking in the scenery of vibrant emerald trees topped by ghostly blankets. The earth before her was almost unbearably dazzling in the midday sun's shine as she quickly scaled the terrain.

Barely within range of her own household she'd continue exploring the ever changing landscape, barely phased by the hours she'd been out and about already though her mind slowly wandered. I wonder where Truth's gone this time, she'd think lightly to herself, Probably headed back to the cabin if anything, she'd continue and with little thought, took off once more at a quick gallop racing through the territories allowing the wind to whip through her dense coat with every motion, she wasn't sure if she'd head back yet to find the young wolf who'd left her or if she'd continue through the furthest reaches of the Colorado Mountains where she hadn't been in a while.

...By now the few heavy gusts of wind would have blown Acacia's left behind attire from upon the railing to within the snow below. Panties vanishing somewhere within the forest in their light weight while jeans and hoodie sit firmly through the morning progression slowly being coated in the minuscule particles of ivory white dancing down from the open skies above, hiding them within its grasp and removing them from clear sight...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 1 day ago

After what felt like several hours more of walking, Ryan had finally made it to the cabin he had spotted earlier. By the time he had reached it, Acacia had already left for her daily jog and her trusty companion Truth had not yet returned, so it was completely devoid of any life at the moment. Walking right past the railing that the Russian woman had placed her clothes earlier, without noticing the snow-covered jumper, Ryan approached the screen door and knocked on the solid, wooden door behind it. He waited for a minute for any response, but received none. He knocked again and waited in silence for any noise that might tell him that someone or something was alive inside. One last time, he knocked on the door, this time peering through a window to see if there might be something silently moving inside. Nothing could be seen though. Ryan shrugged before finally trying the handle of the door to see if it would open. Luckily for him, and probably unlucky for Acacia, the unlocked door swung open without any resistance, allowing Ryan to enter unperturbed.

Ryan had expected to find rotten wood and little to no furniture inside the deserted cabin, all of which would be in complete disrepair. He was pleasantly surprised to be wrong, as that were true there'd probably be spiders everywhere. Must have been quite an emergency if they moved without taking all of their stuff. He began looking around the rooms on the first story of the cabin for something like a rag to wrap around his head and stop the bleeding, but seemed to be out of luck. If only he had found the bathroom or gave the kitchen a more thorough look, he might have figured out that the cabin wasn't as abandoned as he thought. Well, there's always the second story.

The second story was really just a large attic, the ladder to which was still left down. He climbed up to the top and found that the attic had become more of a bedroom, complete with a bed and small dresser. I wonder if they left a shirt or something in that dresser that I could wrap around my head. He opened the first drawer to instead find lots of clothing, specifically ladies' undergarments. He lifted up a bra by the strap with his index finger and thumb, holding the strange apparel to his face for a close inspection. putting it back down, he lifted up a pair of matching panties, stretching the waistband with his two index fingers in curiosity of the undergarment's elasticity. What's all this doing here if no one lives here? They left a ridiculously large amount of stuff behind.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AcaciaMalikov
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AcaciaMalikov The Wolf Within

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

1.13 pm

Acacia 'Ace' Malikova

Acacia had slowly begun making her way in the direction of her isolated cabin. Ears rotating as she shook her head allowed a thick tail to dangle lifelessly behind her, slender limbs drawing her on as shoulders rolled under the thick orange tinged pelt. She had little knowledge of the human rummaging about within her home and without Truth by her side she'd become a little bored of roaming leading her to hunger and wanting to head home to relax or if necessary head into town for more supplies.

It's so quiet out and about lately, she'd allow her thoughts to trail off while she wandered without much need to pay attention as she already mesmerized the trails to follow to her home. I wonder what's in the fridge, I think I had some chicken left over ... or was it venison, she'd continue on, Guess I'll have to check, I think I need more milk too oh and eggs ... we seem to be going through those pretty quickly.

Acacia continued on, eyes shifting at every small move that fluttered through her vision, nasals racing at every scent they collected, and ears rotating at every sound be it big or small nearby.


Small paws slowly emerged from the edging of the forest, wide based and pointy tipped ears perked forwards as elongated limbs drew her figure towards the dull little cabin she knew as her home. Nose racing quickly as she began collecting the scent of a human upon the snows surface, sunken tracks leading directly to the cabin steps and a trail of partial snow connected on to within the building. Lowering her head partially to below shoulder height the decently sized canine would move swiftly towards the entrance the 'thump', of shoes within the building causing a light un-heard rumble to develop within her chest.

Upon reaching the door, still wide open to the furnishings within, Truth would halt. Glancing about her own chocolate brown eyes flickering over the rooms contents before lifting to look at the underside of the loft above, shuffling feet moving about as she remained firmly where she was unsure exactly what to do with the knowledge of an intruder. With ears planted forwards and tail stiffly raised behind her she'd allow that same rumble from before to rise up through her throat, emerging between clenched jowls to be heard throughout the small building. Audibly annoyed and not of friendly origin the vocalization just rose as she knew she couldn't reach the top story so she made it clear she was nearby and unimpressed.

Until the intruder placed himself in sight, Truth would remain half in-half out of the buildings only exit, waiting to call upon the werewolf she relied upon or for the human to give her reason to sink a few teeth into his flesh... Either option sounded pretty decent to her and she continued to gurgle those hefty growls.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 1 day ago

Ryan continued raiding the drawers of Acacia's dresser, before finally finding a t-shirt that he wrapped around his head tightly to stop the bleeding. Blood was beginning to soak through the shirt, but it was slowing the flow. "There we go," he said cheerfully while looking at his reflection in the window. Ryan's stomach suddenly filled the room with the sound of a loud grumbling. Hmm, I wonder if they left any food behind. Walking towards the ladder out of the attic-turned-bedroom, he left the dresser with clothes tossed everywhere and drawers still pulled out. It was a complete mess.

Entering the kitchen, Ryan decided to check the pantry for any canned goods since anything in the fridge would be spoiled or it would empty, seeing as the cabin has obviously been abandoned for years. He couldn't find any canned food that wouldn't need to be heated, because why would an cabin in the woods have electricity for a microwave or gas for a stove if it's abandoned, so Ryan decided to eat several granola bars that he found next to the cans. Now which way is it to the nearest town? And is it close enough that I could walk there? Is there a map somewhere in this cabin? As the young man began raiding the cabin for a map or something else to tell him where he was, Acacia's pet wolf continued to stand guard at the door. Her growling going completely unheard for the clueless human inside.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AcaciaMalikov
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AcaciaMalikov The Wolf Within

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

1.20 pm


Truth would watch as the human slowly descended from the room above, ears alerted forward as he seemed oblivious to the rippling growls emerging from the wolfs maw. As he headed for the kitchen she'd remain steadily where she was, lips twitching as they drew up slightly baring partially yellowed k-9 daggers. The growls raising to a louder more audible tone to catch attention and make herself known as the man ate some food and continued rummaging through the cabins contents. Tail still stiff as her pelt rippled over tensed muscles waiting for the man to notice her as she blocked any escape for him to use, minus probably a window which he'd have to break first.

Acacia 'Ace' Malikova

Acacia continued moving through the thickly frosted forest, tail dragging lightly behind her as she trotted over the soft surface leaving a trail of over-sized wolf tracks. She hadn't been in the area for a while and since last coming through didn't know whether humans had traveled through or not, making the journey a bit more nerve racking in the instance they had been. Head dipped lightly as ears twitched she'd turn to pass a large tree, her nose racing quickly as she kept on alert for anything out of the ordinary. This was an area many people hunted in during spring and some occasionally passed through in the autumn and winter times, though those who did usually didn't stay long unless they had a good enough reason. Her fear in this case, was werewolf hunters. They knew isolated areas like this were keen pack grounds and for her, being alone made things more difficult if any ever showed up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 1 day ago

As the growling grew to be more intense, Ryan finally noticed the angry wolf at the door. Well, kind of. "Huh?" he said as he turned in the direction of the of the wolf. "Ah!" he shouted in surprise as he jumped into the air and landed on his ass. Raising his arms to keep Truth back if she came closer, he slowly began to scoot backwards, away from the angry animal. "Nice doggy. Stay doggy," he said, mistaking the domesticated wolf for a dog of some kind. Probably best if I try to leave. I hope there's a backdoor somewhere.

Continuing to scoot across the floor, Ryan reached the back of the house and felt around the wall for a door. No, nothing. Oh man, I'm screwed if this dog decides to get violent. Maybe if I can lock myself in one of nearby rooms I can be safe. Looking around, he finally saw a good place to possibly hide: the bathroom. "Alright, good boy. Just stay there and let me go use the bathroom. I promise I'll be right back," he told the wolf, assuming that she was male with no evidence to prove or deny it at the moment. Quite frankly, the wolf's gender was the furthest thing from his mind. Okay, here we go. Ryan made a mad dash for the bathroom door, in case Truth tried to pounce him on his way there.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AcaciaMalikov
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AcaciaMalikov The Wolf Within

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Would watch as the human jumped when he spotted her, landing upon his ass would cause the wolf to step forward slightly head dipping further as she continued to rumble at the intruder. She'd care little upon being called doggy let alone boy as well as she shook her head, lips still drawn up as her nasal bridge settled in ridges. A slither of pink flesh would emerge between the yellowed daggers as she stepped closer once more watching the human continue to shuffle across the floor before making a dash for the bathroom.

A quick sharp vocal emerged as she suddenly launched herself after him only to be halted by a bathroom door once he'd emerged within. Standing where she was she'd continue to growl and huff at the closed room and her chest would lower as she rotated slightly onto her left shoulder. Rump still raised as fore-paws began scratching at the underside of the door producing audible sound while causing the door to rattle.

1.28 pm

Acacia 'Ace' Malikova

Acacia would eventually find herself halted in her tracks, ears twitching quickly this way and that as she spun on her heels to glance about, the sound of shuffling snow had caught her attention as she attempted to spot its source. Slowly backing up from the small clear section of snow she'd find herself nearing a large tree, she wasn't far from home, yet still far enough to be unable to hear Truth and the human let alone smell them both. Paws sinking slightly into the snow around the trees base she'd remain focused upon the shuffling snow before jumping at the sound of a twig snapping turning once more she'd find herself with a chain coated in small spikes wrapped around a hind ankle.

A sharp high pitched yelp emerging her vocals as she'd try to spin around unsure what had grabbed her, the chain and it's points tightening around her limb as her maw parted, tail lowly tucked as ears fell back and vocals continued to emerge, the sound of the injured canine echoing through the forest within the gusts of wind.

Unable to bare the pain the young woman over the course of a few minutes found herself sitting within the snow with nothing covering her now bumpy skin, slender hands racing to grasp at the chain trying to figure out how to loosen it from her limb with little luck in the matter. "Truth!" she'd cry from her position, bright eyes still shooting about as she suddenly spotted the source of rustling snow and a snapping twig. "A rabbit?" she'd question as she watched it scurry off after the sudden episode the werewolf went through. As she shifted in the snow she'd suddenly cry out once more, the wolf cries turning into the helpless cry of the woman as small spikes dug into her flesh as she grasped it once more, the crimson liquid oozing from around the punctures staining her alabaster skin.

Acacia soon looked to see where the trap was connected, though by the looks she couldn't reach it if she wanted, Damned hunters, what are they doing out this way, she'd think quietly, she'd admit she expected something to come of her not visiting the specific area enough, though so close to her cabin made her worrisome for her own and Truths safety. This specific trap was designed to keep something contained, the metal chain not so easy to break and the spikes sharp enough to penetrate a thick pelt, it was something Acacia knew to fear and hidden under the snow she'd walked straight into it.


The scratching at the wooden door would suddenly cease alongside the now silenced threats. Truth perked up as she stood tall and glanced towards the open door leading back to the forest, the sound of a high pitched cry echoing into her ears as she'd suddenly take off once more. Scraping claws could be heard along the hard floor moving swiftly that was until it cut off when the sound of a form hitting snow was heard. The large wolf took off in the direction of the cries before yet another sound echoed out of the same forest, Acacia's voice carried in the wind to the cabin as Truth listened and ran. The quick trail disappearing into the depths of the wilderness once more and leaving a trail for the human to follow towards the woman crying for help.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 1 day ago

Ryan searched the bathroom for a window or something to climb out of and escape the protective guard "dog" at the door. Unfortunately for him, no such thing existed in the room he was in. Oh man, oh man, oh man. You're really in for it now Ryan. Think! How can I get out of here? The young man now paced back and forth inside the bathroom, trying to think of a possible escape plan of some kind. Luck seemed to smile on him though as Acacia's cries for help caused Truth to change her priorities. With the scratching sound gone, Ryan opened the door a crack to see if the wolf was truly gone. "Time to make a run for it," he said as he burst out of the room as fast as he could go, leaving the cabin behind in a cloud of snow. When he decided he was far enough away, he stopped running to catch his breath, only to hear Acacia's continued cries of distress. "Sounds like someone's in trouble. I'd better go help them," he said to himself. Stamina seemingly restored, Ryan took off running in Acacia's direction, determined to help whoever was in need.

The last thing the werewolf hunter expected to see as he entered the clearing where Acacia sat, was a completely naked woman lying in the snow bleeding. Ryan's face was filled with shock and embarrassment, but quickly transformed into concern as he saw why she was in so much distress. The trap looked to be quite well enclosed on her leg. Good thing it wasn't a bear trap, that probably would have completely severed her leg. He moved forward slowly as to not appear threatening. "Um, hi miss. I'm, uh, here to help," he said as he tried to take a closer look at her entrapped leg. Seeing the woman in so much danger and pain, caused Ryan to completely ignore Truth, who was probably ready to pounce on him since she should have easily beaten him there.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AcaciaMalikov
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AcaciaMalikov The Wolf Within

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Acacia 'Ace' Malikova

The faint sound of paws pacing over the chilled terrain sent Acacia's eyes wandering only to find them landing upon the approaching figure of Truth's lightly tinged timber pelt. Her lips curled up lightly as she reached out an arm before recoiling back to look at the metallic item around her leg, the crimson still running down her ankle and into the solid canvas staining it quickly with the small gathering of blood.

She'd been unable to prevent small tears from rolling down her cheeks as she continued trying to figure out a way to free herself, Truth paced restlessly glaring at the odd thing about the werewolves leg before freezing in place to raise sights onto the approaching male once more. Acacia herself hearing the heavy steps raised her head as eyes of bright sapphire widened to stare at the man, rifle strapped to his back and two small hand guns strapped one on either of his legs made her stiffen before she tried to move towards the tree further.

Dragging her leg slightly with the chain she'd hold up a hand, palm flat towards him like a stop signal, "No. Please no, don't come near me!" Acacia would quickly cry, she had no idea the man knew nothing about what she was, and she seemed to barely notice what he'd begun saying. All she knew is that she was currently stuck in a werewolf hunters trap and he was armed and had come up so quickly.

"I swear, please, don't kill me," she'd continue on, the voice soft and coated in a Russian accent as she sat within the crumpled winter looking landscape. She'd probably confused the man by now with her words and with her actions of not wanting him closer, she was visibly in pain by the tears down her face and he could have possibly just thought she was delusional or something similar... Then again who runs around in the snow naked? Obviously she wasn't sane as the wolf trailed in the distance pacing back and forth as she rumbled at the human approaching the auburn haired girl.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 1 day ago

"Kill you? Now why would I do that?" Ryan responded with a smile on his face, trying to look as friendly as possible. "A beautiful girl like you, don't know why anyone would want to purposefully hurt ya'. Now this might hurt a bit... or a lot" He knelt down next to the woman and grabbed the teeth of the trap, trying to pull them off her leg. Unfortunately, it barely budged. Next, he unslung the rifle on his back and wedged the the butt of the rifle in-between the teeth. Lifting the rifle up, the teeth actually began to lighten their grip on the woman's leg, which was probably burning with immense pain. "Alright, pull your leg out! Hurry!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AcaciaMalikov
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AcaciaMalikov The Wolf Within

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Acacia 'Ace' Malikova

Truth lightly paced in the distance as she allowed a snake like slither of pink to draw across her upper lip as it rippled, the same vocals still rumbling from her chest as she remained within a few meter proximity to the young woman trapped in the odd contraption. Acacia still trying to remain away from the man barely seemed to relax when he proposed his safeness towards her and she watched closely, trapped leg extended outwards away from her as she watched the human try to pry it open, barely successful she'd suddenly start shuffling backwards again when he drew the gun from his back tears still swelling in her eyes before running down the stains across her cheek as she watched and closed her eyes.

Upon feeling the cold rifle butt hitting her ankle while being jammed between the metal teeth she'd glance towards it as it began to widen around her limb allowing her to draw it out quickly and she'd waste no time moving towards the seemingly aggravated wolf nearby. One would say she looked like a mad woman heading towards the dangerous animal, though as it made no move for her and menacingly stared at the man, one would soon assume they knew each other somehow.

"Thank you," was all she managed to say as she used Truths size and fur to cover herself from his sights minus her head which sat just over the wolfs back allowing her to watch the human closely. "W-what are you doing out here?" she'd begin asking before noticing a familiar white fabric wrapped around the mans head, "Is ... is that my shirt?" she'd suddenly cock her head to one side as she squinted her eyes and remained crouched.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 1 day ago

Ryan gave another friendly smile as the woman thanked him for saving her. "It was no problem at all." It took all of his self control not to look at her bare chest, well actually he did give several glances though he tried his best to divert his gaze as soon as he realized where he was staring. Part of him was happy that she used the large "dog" to cover herself while the other part of him was very disappointed. Ryan continued standing there in the cold snow striking a somewhat heroic looking pose as he milked in the self-praise of his actions. Helping people always made him feel good about himself.

He was taken a bit by surprise when she decided to ask him questions. "Y-your shirt? N-no. No, I found it in an abandoned cabin up in that direction," Ryan replied, pointing in the direction of Acacia's cabin. "Anyway, to answer your first question, I'm here because I got in a car wreck a few miles that way and have been trying to looking for any sign of civilization. My name's Ryan by the way. What's yours?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AcaciaMalikov
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AcaciaMalikov The Wolf Within

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Acacia 'Ace' Malikova

Still tucked behind the 'dog', Acacia listened to Ryan as he spoke, his questioning of the shirt he'd found and stating it was in an 'abandoned' cabin made her tilt her head once more, "Uh... Uhm, I l-live there?" she'd say as he pointed in the direction in which he'd come. She'd blink as her unnaturally vivid sky hues fluttered closed and then open once again, "I-I am Ace, h-how did you m-manage to walk this far... A-after a crash?" her words stuttered now and then as she shuddered in the chilled breeze huddled closely to the still glaring and rumbling canine.

A slender alabaster arm reached over the arched back of her companion Truth as she held it palm upwards and open, "Uhm ... M-may I borrow your hoodie?" she'd allow a softly accented voice to ask, a partial smile spread across her lips as she seemed like she could use the coverage.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 1 day ago

"You live there?" Ryan asked embarrassed. "Um, well, uh... It's a very lovely home," he said, trying to lighten the mood considering he just admitted to breaking into her home. When she finally gave him her name, Ryan stuck out his hand to give her a handshake. "Well, hello Ace. It's nice to meet you. I'm Ryan... Oh wait, I already said that," he said as he scratched the back of his head with the hand he had originally held out to shake her hand. "So how did I get here? Umm... Oh yeah! I just walked. A lot of walking. With no clue whatsoever of where I was going."

It was then that Ryan noticed how cold Ace looked. Being naked in the middle of winter in Colorado will do that to you. He began to take off his hoodie as soon as she began to ask him and handed it to her open hand. Ryan couldn't help but feel he should say something, anything to the pretty girl in front of him. His mind drawing blanks, he said the first thing that came to mind. "Your accent is very..." You've already started, you better finish that sentence. Sexy? Probably best not to say that in front of a naked stranger. Hot? Same reason. Umm. Think, think, think. Aha! "...pretty."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AcaciaMalikov
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AcaciaMalikov The Wolf Within

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Acacia 'Ace' Malikova

Acacia listened quietly as the man complemented the building she so happened to call home and he'd assumed was abandoned, it wasn't all that necessary to make a place look to other peoples standards when you lived alone with little to no company. As he continued on and accepted the nickname she offered instead of her real name she smiled and allowed a partial giggle to pass her lightly tinted pink lips upon him repeating his own name and realizing it himself.

"Th-that sounds like quite a journey you've had," she'd say in a gentle tone, her bright eyes of sky blue looking him over quickly before they landed upon his face, the smile already evaporated as she awaited the hoodie to be within her grasp. Slender digits grabbing it quickly as she'd maneuver it within her palms to be facing the correct way before sliding her arms into either sleeve and pulling the rest over her head. As soon as it was over her form covering her mostly she'd pull the hood down from upon her head so she could fix the mess of untamed auburn locks hanging to her shoulders.

The fabric of the red jumper still warm as she'd eventually stand up, lengthy legs of untouched alabaster holding her short figure as she made sure the jumper covered everything important before hands slid within it's pockets.

"Thank you," she'd say upon hearing the mans compliment on her accent and she'd smile, "Would you like to head back to my cabin? I could find you something to eat or even take you to the town," she'd offer, though still weary of him and in all truth she just wanted to find herself some proper clothes now that a human was here. Her Ute probably didn't even enter his sights when he approached the cabin initially, since from memory, she had it parked up behind the wooden building.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 1 day ago

Ryan thought on the idea of following Ace back to her cabin. That sounds like a good idea. Why wouldn't I want to go with such a pretty lady back to her home. And maybe I can try to clean up a bit of the mess I made, like the underwear drawers, before she notices. Ryan nodded to Ace before saying, "Sure, I'd love to go with you." He then looked down at her still bleeding leg and couldn't help but think how painful such an injury might be. "That looks like it must hurt... like a lot. Anything I can do to help? Umm, maybe I could carry you or something?" Ugh, that sounds so weird. Especially since she's still mostly naked. A hoodie barely anything to cover up with. Still, he turned his back to her to allow her to jump on if she accepted his offer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AcaciaMalikov
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AcaciaMalikov The Wolf Within

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Acacia 'Ace' Malikova

Acacia would nod slightly at the man accepting her offer and as she'd go to move she'd feel the jolt of pain in her ankle. Damnit, I need to get rid of him, this wound will heal quicker than it's supposed to, she'd think to herself before slowly stepping with a limp towards Ryan.

Listening to the offer of being carried or what-not she'd smile lightly, "I think I can manage walking on my own," she'd respond with that same almost melodic accent. Ignoring the crimson stains she'd leave upon the snow with every step she began moving in the direction of her cabin, echoing paws trailing off at a distance as Truth watched the pair closely in their movement, though she seemed more focused upon the male than Acacia.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 1 day ago

Ryan gave a shrug as Ace turned down the offer of hitching a ride on his back. "Suit yourself." Standing side-by-side with the pretty woman, the young man began to think of possible subjects of small talk while they made their way to the cabin. That's when he noticed the elephant in the non-existent room. "So, uh, why are you out here all naked and alone and stuff. Not to be... inconsiderate of your... hobbies or whatnot, but it does seem a bit strange and weird," he said. Even with her covered up by his own hoodie, he still felt like he was being a pervert if he tried looking anywhere at her neck down, and continuously had to force himself to look away from Ace. I hope we get to that cabin soon so she can put some clothes on. Make all this less awkward and stuff. How far away was that cabin anyway?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AcaciaMalikov
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AcaciaMalikov The Wolf Within

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Acacia 'Ace' Malikova

Acacia glanced towards Ryan as they both walked towards the cabin, it wasn't far only a few short minutes as she continued to walk with an off pace, sinking slightly more on her injured leg as she'd bite her lower lip slightly trying to ignore the pain it produced. She'd never encountered many sources of silver, and as such, knew little of the damage it done to a werewolf and that it took it's time to heal. As the young man began questioning her being out in the woods stark naked and alone she stopped for a short period, eyes flashing down at her feet as she tried to think up something.

"Uh, you could say I enjoy nature, that's why I live alone..." she'd being saying and as she began walking towards the visible field where the cabin sat she'd continue on, "As for the, uh... being nude out here, that's just a long story."

Unable to really think of how else to say it she'd nod at the last part of his sentence, "I guess it is a bit strange, and a bit weird too." As they neared the building she'd see the door still wide open and her clothes missing from the wooden railing. Rolling her eyes she'd curve off to one side and quickly gather her hoodie and jeans from being buried under snow and groaned as she found the panties missing, though she didn't mention it out loud. Once she had the fabrics in hand she'd move back around and hobble up the steps only to emerge within the warmer interior of her household.

Glancing about she'd notice a few cabinets opened from his rummaging and with a bit of pent up annoyance headed to close them before she'd head for the attic, with some difficulty considering her ankle at this point, to find a new pair of underwear. Glancing over her shoulder just before ascending the ladder she'd speak towards the ginger haired male, "Please make yourself at home," she'd offer as she nodded towards the small pale blue two person couch just inside the front door. It sat in front of an old styled television, which by the looks of the large hole and cracks in the glass, probably didn't work.
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