In a lot of legal word wrangling the transfer would be complete and under your total control to keep use or loose as you saw fit from this point on. You alone would be responsible for the total sum of the family fortune. The businesses and the estates to include all property. The companies all had CO's but everything would need your attention quarterly. you would be receiving memo's daily from different departments and need immediate reply's or revenue would fall into loss.
(Updated portfolio)
* GM note: The financials listed a south African diamond mine and various property holdings.
* Current yearly captial gross 128 mill, salary to emploies 87mil, cost of business 27mil. Yearly take before tax 10.8mil
* Venture capitals, air freight form south Africa/3 diamond firms stationed in Milan, San Fransisco, and NY/1 diamond mine
* You own an airline service with 7 private jets and 3 military cargo planes, 3 air fields south Africa France, Maine
* The portfolio shows the 15 estates you now own, 3 condos in NY, 1 penthouse in Tokyo, 1 villa in Milan, 1 estate in England, 1 condo in LA, 1 condo in San Fransisco, 2 estate in Paris, 1 condo Miami FL, 1 beach estate in Spain, 1 condo in Hawaii, 1 Maine, the family estate in PA, 1 estate Sweden
* The current worth of your physical assets of 761million. (This number represents the property and cars clothes, jets, equipment, ect.) The diamond mine is priceless.
* Current account yield to date: 302.7 billion.... 92% from the diamond mine. The rest in venture capitals.
*Companies you own, 1 airline small private and commercial, 1 diamond firm caters exclusive to push your stones, 1 team of stock brokers(#8), 1 law firm(yep that one), 1 cargo company