Will be able to post tomorrow :)
Hey everyone we're starting! Yep that's right, we're finally ready! So here's what's going to happen.
Our story starts with the reunion of Amare and Brontes. So Tendo and I do a beautiful number with that before it's interuptted by another God (ideally someone with a grudge against Brontes so Thellie or Armarion perhaps, whoever is on that would totally go after Brontes). However Brontes escapes with the help of Amare. While this other God spreads the word.
So say for example, Thellie was the one who sees and attacks Brontes. The next scene would be her telling someone else, let's say Jack. Then the word would spread. So then let's say the next scene is Belle and Zora talking about Brontes return.
Basically each character introduced themselves with their thoughts on Brontes return and then go from there- even if your character doesn't really care about it, just say your character doesn't really care. I imagine quite a few of you at first will go after Brontes. However don't be afarid to diverge from that path. After all I want everyone to be able to have their own story. Everyone to be able to choose their own path.
So just a few more things before we begin:
1. My writing style is as follows- If I am RPing with a character that knows me well (Such as Brontes) or with a character good at reading people (like Armarion who has researched all the Gods) then I will speak in first person. If I'm with a character I don't know very well I may speak in third but things might turn out differently I don't know. Point is, that's my current plan.
2. Please don't be intimidated by the long ass first post I've done :'D I am introducing the whole RP.
@Blackmist16 Dx -cries- you gave me a heart attack.