Isa : Anisim Misolav
The familiar scents of Luci, Blue and the less familiar scents of guards, and one other scent reaches me as I lay quietly in the slowly moving water. My tail twitches under the water, barely causing ripples on the surface of the water. That new scent intrigued me, almost enough to get out of the water and see who and what it was, almost. Blue smelled stressed out, which meant that Roxy was probably in trouble again... a hypothesis supported by the absence of her usual scent in the room. Next time, Vlad will die... I duck my head under water for a moment to wash away the rage building in me, and it sort of helps, as water gets in my nose, and I sneeze rather loudly several times to get it all out. Well, so much for going unnoticed by everyone, still they'd probably already known I was in the room and would have been wasting time looking for me if I hadn't sneezed, so at least that's out of the way. Now all we have to do is figure out if the new guys tastes any better than Vlad does. I lay still, waiting to see what this new fellow had in mind for the day's activities.