The Lore Master had by now finished piling supplies in two carts. Flour, sugar, eggs, milk, and other staples. The meats were a beef roast, sausage and pork chops. She had placed a bucket of apples and pears in the cart as well as a bucket of meat bits and fruit bits for the baby dragon. She was ready for the two new Riders to come for their food.
~~Bristle and Crystal, I have your food supply ready for you so can you come and get the carts?~~
"Next we go to the Gypsy Store and you may buy what you need.
Each of you will receive a bag of coins. Fifty of each copper, bronze, silver and gold as a sign on bonus. You will get this money one time. The rest of the money you will earn while you are at Dragonopia Academy. The Lore Master will explain what you may do to earn more money when you have class. Usually it is things that you have crafted or raised as a crop.
You will have a wagon to load. In that wagon are your starting supplies. The starting supplies are:
One trunk will contain pieces of leather.
One trunk that contains a hand press and dies.
One trunk that contains metal and a shape cutter.
One trunk that will contain leather protective garments.
One trunk that will contain various beads and such ornaments.
One trunk that will contain a variety of books such as Leather Making, Basket Weaving, Herbal Gardening, and other useful informational books.
All magick books are at Dragonopia and The Lore Master will issue you them as you need them. She has wands and staffs as well if you wish to learn how to use them.
This is what you need to buy for yourself. You will want to get a bed, table, chairs, kitchen equipment, blankets, at least 4 buckets, an axe, saw, baskets. If you want other things, buy it now for you will not be back here until spring. There is no need to get food stuff because The Lore Master has plenty in Dragonopia. You might want to get fishing tackle for there is a lake there and if you like fish." Bessie spoke as she placed a bag of coins in front of the newest Dragon Riders.
"Now please come with me and you can barter with me for the items that you want." Bessie lead them out of the door and across the street to a large store where she opened the front door.
"Please come in and browse. Just keep in mind that you must leave at 2 AM. Sam will guide you to the Tunnel."