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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by megatrash
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Jeremy Tillman
Nickname: Most just call him Tillman
Title: The Red Devils' Vice President
Age: 26
Rap sheet: 3 burglaries, 2 reckless driving charges, 2 assault charges.

Blue eyes and blonde hair that is often in a "man bun" although he hates the term. He has a few gunshot wounds and scars from knives littering his front and back torso. He also has a light scar running vertically from above his eyebrow to his cheek. He is covered in tattoos from the collarbone down, proudly displaying his clubs logo on his back. He is most often wearing his leather cut over flannels or a white t shirt. He is built but not too bulky, and stands at about 6’1”.

Personality: Jeremy has a cold exterior, which was brought on by the pain of losing his father and best friend (see below.) Moira, his ex, always begged him to show more affection and attention to her, claiming he had no heart anymore, but Jeremy’s priorities always stayed with the club where he put most of his efforts. He loves women, probably a greater weakness for him than any drugs or alcohol, but tries his best to control himself. Being the VP for the last year has taken a toll on him mentally, especially with a new rivalry that has exploded between a neighboring gang.

History: Jeremy became the VP of the club last year when his best friend, Taylor "Wiz" Black, passed away, who originally held the title. They did everything together since they were in diapers, and Jeremy took Wiz's death really hard. He began to drink more, started acting recklessly when he wasn't doing club duties, and began to sleep around with the clubs groupies and girls he met at pubs. This, in turn, ended his 3 year relationship with Moira, a local girl he's known for years. He wasn't that into the relationship to begin with, but Moira was safe, familiar and loyal, which he knew was good for the club. Jeremy's dad died in a motorcycle accident when he was 15, which prompted his mother to move out of state. The club reminded her of all the things she didn't want her husband and son to turn into, and it was too hard for her to watch Jeremy embrace the lifestyle. He has no real family in the area (besides a little sister that he is extremely protective over) and leans on the club for support.

Solomon Griffin
Nickname: “Solo” which he is not a big fan of. This sprouted after he confided in the guys that he loves Star Wars.
Title: Club member
Age: 25
Rap sheet: 1 drug possession charge, 1 disorderly conduct charge, 3 assault charges, 1 theft charge
(guy in the front) Dark brown hair which is slightly shaggy. He has a skinny frame that he tries to make larger by working out. He has tattoos spaced out all over his body, but he wants more. He usually is always wearing his cut as well, with a white undershirt and jeans. He has very dark eyes that give him an intimidating look.

Personality: Solo prefers to keep to himself, and he is not really one to talk about how he is feeling or personal matters in his life. No one is really sure of his family situation, or what he likes to do outside of the club. Based on how dedicated he is, I don’t think anyone would even guess that he cared about anything outside of the club. He has become Jeremy’s right hand man whenever he needs assistance with any club related matters, whether it’s “paying someone a visit,” doing a drug run, or even something as simple as checking on his sister for him. One of Solomon’s downfalls is that he loves to party. A night of just drinking with the guys can end up with him leaving a strip club at 5am, fucked up on whatever was available, with at least one girl in tow. He’s not, however, a womanizer as some would call Jeremy. He loves women, but in a different way. He usually ends up getting his heartbroken.

History: Unbeknownst to the club, Solomon has a tainted past. Abused as a child, he ran away from home at the age of 14 and was taken in to the arms of the club. He was a prospect at first, just cleaning bikes and running errands, but at the age of 18 was finally accepted as a member of the club. He loves to fight, often getting in trouble at local pubs starting them out of the blue. No one would say that Solomon has a temper, but the thrill of a fight for him is enough to make outsiders think so.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Valentine
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tallis Black
Age: 23
Title: President's Daughter and Club Member
Rap sheet: 1 count of shoplifting, 2 counts of prostitution, 1 count of assault

Apperance: Long, jet black hair. Of average height, leans towards being slender. Her boobs are fake, but that ass of her's is real. Unlike in the picture, her ears are not stretched.
Personality: Tallis is a firecracker. Lively and excitable, with a temper that will burn you. She draws you in with her beauty, but keeps you there with her explosive passion about everything she does. She loves keeping up with the guys, trying to prove that she's no different than them...and that she's earned her place in the Club. More than anything, though, she loves men and she loves what they can do to her body.
History: Tallis Black lived a lavish lifestyle, that is until her mother took her away from her father at 15. Mrs. Black didn't want to lose Tallis to the Red Devils like she lost her husband and son. At 18, though, Tallis joined up with a local chapter because she found it too difficult to leave the life behind. She started to work her way up the ranks, but home was calling too loudly for her liking

Kaci Tillman
Nickname: Kase
Age: 20
Title: Civilian
Rap sheet: Clean

Apperance: Tall and slender, not very curvy. Keeps her hair perfectly curled, and never goes anywhere without makeup.
Personality: Kaci is quiet and shy, desperately trying to break out of her shell...and step out of Jeremy's shadow. Both are not easy tasks. She doesn't drink or smoke, and she'd never be caught dead in the club. She loves the Red Devils, though, and has been trying to show that she can be just like one of their Old Ladies. Loyal. A freak in bed. Street smart. Fierce. But as of now...she's none of these things.
History: Kaci lost her father when she was very young, meaning it was only her and Jeremy. She followed Jeremy everywhere, because he's the only family that she has now. Family has to stick together.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Valentine
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alexander Black
Nickname(s): Black, Boss, or President
Title: President
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Cain O'Rielly
Nickname: Patty
Age: 32
Title: Scout and Club Member
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by megatrash
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Ashley Peterson
Age: 26
Title: Civilian

Personality: She is very girly and very dramatic. She wouldn't usually be Tillman's type, but she was available whenever he was bored.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by megatrash
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Moira Winters
Age: 28
Title: Civilian. She is the daughter of one of the most powerful property owners in the county, Martin Winters.
Personality: She has a very fiery temper that Tillman always seemed to bring out in her. She isn't flashy with her money and does not enjoy the party and outlaw lifestyle. Her dream is to have a nice house, a loving husband and a couple of kids. The American dream.
History: She was Tillman's old lady for three years. She always thought that she could turn him into the man she wanted him to be, but the club always had a tight grip on him. She loved him deeply, but had enough and finally moved out of his house a month ago.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Valentine
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Cameron Williams
Age: 32
Title: VP of Cherokee City Chapter

History: Cameron is Tallis' abusive ex, who wants nothing more than to clip her wings and keep hwe close.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by megatrash
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Marvin Winters
Age: 45
Title: Big time property owner. Works with a lot of outlaw groups.
Personality/History: Marvin loves money. The only thing he cares more about than money is his daughter, Moira, who is his only child. He had her when she was only 17, but he made a promise to himself and her mother that he would work hard enough so that she'd never have to (even though she made the choice to work.) The way Jeremy treated Moira when they were together left a bad taste in his mouth, but he continued to do business with the club.
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