Chapter 1 - Return

Things happened so fast. At first the slow voyage of the underworlds led to no fruit and the mission was growing dull. Then a discovery in the catacombs deep beneath Ireland. The agency did not have a specific name and did so to stay covert. So much so that their very own members are usually unaware of the details of their missions or who they exactly work for. So when they entered the abyss to see what was there what they found had a presence akin to that of fables of hell. The flaming wall was the supposed doorway to all the legends and tales of beasts and demons. Closing the gate would fulfill their duty at ridding the world of other worldly creatures. However as they began to research the gate to find a way to safely close it something within echoed out a force that quaked the ground. Then, like a vortex, it sucked inward with enough force to swallow the agents inside. The ride was not an easy one. Entering what was dream and reality they had a glimpse of pasts, futures and other galaxies like a rotating wall.

Upon entering the other side they find themselves flung across a large old withered temple. This temple is made of stone and sits within a jungle within the land of Vrondi. After coming down from the relief of not being within a eternal flaming pit the agents begin to assess the situation. The conclude that they are stuck as the portal behind them, the flaming wall, has turned miniscule in size. Then it vanished altogether. While this was distressing there were words on the walls of the temple in old English along with an alien language. It had clues to how the portal operated.. if only they could take their time, camp out, and figure this out. Some of their supplies were thrown through the portal but.. it simply was not enough. They needed to leave the temple and see where they were. With faith the left the safety of the temple to the jungle outside.

Soon they found themselves in a world different from their own. The jungle was beautiful yes but it was the vegetation itself that almost glowed with pure energy. The life within each thing was felt. The vegetation was widely similar but some aesthetics differed. Same with the small animal life, insects and birds. But one disturbing sign were the flying lizards the size of condors. This marked the first sign of Dragon life they laid witness to before coming into contact with the guardian of the temple.

Tav' lak eok nok?
The voice boomed through the sky as if god himself spoke to the group. Once they thought it was over the voice returned. This time they could comprehend it.
Who goes there?
A gust of air bellowed down on them as the voiced boomed once more. This time giving birth to a silhouette within the sunlight. It landed on top of the temple and looked down at the group. Staff in hand, giving a aura of light close to that of the sun's.

"My name is Tev'lanook. What are your intentions this time.. humans."

The inhabitants of the civilized societies in what we know as the Edafos, the land, felt a sudden shift in their atmosphere. When the door to the other world was closed it had sealed off the forces that gave humans and other creatures their abilities. Those tapped into the astral realm felt it in a peculiar way, like a shift in the wind. The monks and spiritualists of the world felt this was a bad omen. Each order began to attempt to find this source, each with varying inquiries. Soldiers of various lands were on the search, with help from equally various monks and mages.

As this began happening the bar and inn at the town Sunfire, resting in the land Vrondi, began to get packed. Soldiers from Fotia came barging in. Their heavy red and black armor menacing to the sight. Holding a mechanism in both hands that resembled rifles. But with a sinister red pulse from it's inner workings. Their helmets masked their faces with a dragon like resemblance. There were four of them total. Each with no motive but to examine the populace. Even still their presence was not an average occurrence. The Descendants of this story are within this inn and will find this peculiar if perceptive enough.